Mika’s heart pounded in his chest as he waited for the man to leave for work. It wasn’t stalking. He wasn’t stalking him. He was learning his habit because he’d been kind and he was looking for a way to repay that kindness. So few people were kind to him. It was difficult for Mika …
Thomas looked away as Gina walking into the bedroom. The sight of her in that pale silk dress that he love made his cock throb and his heart ache. It was his favorite one because of how it dropped down between her breasts and clung to her hips. It was like water flowing on her …
Chris was the best with a knife. Maybe that’s why they always sent him. “Wait, wait. Plea-“ The plea morphed into a high pitched cry as Chris drove a six inch serrated knife into the hand bound to the table. Blood oozed out of the wound, painting the wood a dark red color as it …
A trickle of sweat slid down her toned thigh and he feared his dick would bust out of his gym shorts. Jesus. He was that guy, ogling a girl while she worked out. There was no helping it though. Not when she could bench press twice what he could. She adjusted the strap of her …
Have Alive by Pearl Jam stuck in my head. If you know the song, you know the nature of this story. “You look..” It was her soft sob, her mumbled words that woke him. He could make just make out her silhouette in the dark room. Fingertips brushed from his nose to his lips, barely …
An element of pseudo-incest (Step-father/daughter). I started another story a long while ago with a similar theme I may have to dig back up. I’m rusty so please forgive my errors (I know I switched tenses). “Tiny, I’m home.” I hang my coat up and set my shoes by the door. There’s a delicious smell …
Does contain non-consent. Part one. Hot damn, I finished a thing! The fire transformed the room. Backlit so the glow just touched the edges of his body, Vidar stood like a dream above him. Or perhaps it was a nightmare, as more realizations of Pietre’s fate began to dawn with the rustling of fabric. Pietre …
Writing everything except what I need to. He lay in waiting for her. Tucked around the corner, just out of sight, he let the shadows hide him. The click of her heels barely reaching his ears as she walked, her steps light on the pavement. Even having studied her photos, nothing did her beauty justice. …
She watched as he unbuckled his slacks, pushing them to the ground. The moment his cock popped free, curving up toward his stomach, she moaned. He didn’t even look at her, turning away to retrieve lube from the nightstand. The dribble of the liquid over the head of his cock had her reaching between her …
Just something in my brain because I haven’t written in forever. Elements of non consent “It is inevitable.” His smile was bland at first, but as I struggled in my bounds it grew more salacious. I stopped my struggling, sweat stinging my eyes. They blurred for moment before I focused in on him again. His …