Tag Archives: story


Cara through her bathroom mirror

Funny how a couple days of no writing makes me feel rusty when I’ve gone longer with no trouble. “Look into your eyes and say your name, your reflection will show herself.” Julia managed not to scoff. The antique shop owner had already made her sale, there was no need for theatrics on top of …

Gentleman Thief

Writing everything except what I need to. He lay in waiting for her. Tucked around the corner, just out of sight, he let the shadows hide him. The click of her heels barely reaching his ears as she walked, her steps light on the pavement. Even having studied her photos, nothing did her beauty justice. …

Used Car Salesman

Something like this. It made me hot writing it shockingly. “Car’s a real beaut, if you can’t tell.” “Look-“ She glanced at his name tag before meeting his eyes. “Todd, I’m looking for a specific type of vehicle at a specific price.” He straightened at her tone, his chest puffing out. He crossed his arms …


Tonal image of Cara in bed, one bare breast visible

Let’s see if I can continue on. Start: 1, 2, 3. “I need you to trust me.” His breath in her ear made her cunt clench. Pierre pulled her hips back, bending her forward. Cat pressed her palms into the door to keep from losing her balance as his thrusts increased. The angle of his …


Night shift 2 + No Brain Power = very short story. Back to the other story tomorrow. She rolled to her stomach and scooted to the edge of the bed to plant her feet on the floor. “Fuck me like this.” Flipping up her robe, she arched her back and spread her legs. “Please.” She’d …


This went long… one and two. Spitballing this story Pierre stopped her before she could voice a complaint. His hand slid over her mouth as he hiked up her skirt. “Be quiet, Cattleya.” She bite back her gasp as his fingers spread her labia. “Very quiet.” She pressed her palms to the closed door, her …


Continued None of Cat’s confusion had diminished. Not after a long night of research on who this man was and his connection to her, and certainly not after a fitful rest that brought up old nightmares. She wiped sweat from her face and pushed the speed on the treadmill up another notch. Her legs pumped …


Cara in a black dress, cleavage visible

So starts July and Camp NaNo. This may be a longer story or I may move on to something else tomorrow. Your guess is as good as mine. Enjoy what comes! Cat didn’t react when he smeared her lipstick, dragging the poppy-red color in a streak along her cheek. It didn’t matter that she spent …

A Mouthful

A photo of Cara's naked puss

Needed to write. This was much filthier in my mind, but this is what came out He relieves her of her jeans and underwear the moment she crosses the threshold. “Let me shower first. I’m sweaty and gross.” Pressing her back into the door, he brushes her hands away, blocking her attempts to hid the …


She watched as he unbuckled his slacks, pushing them to the ground. The moment his cock popped free, curving up toward his stomach, she moaned. He didn’t even look at her, turning away to retrieve lube from the nightstand. The dribble of the liquid over the head of his cock had her reaching between her …