Tag Archives: writing


This went long… one and two. Spitballing this story Pierre stopped her before she could voice a complaint. His hand slid over her mouth as he hiked up her skirt. “Be quiet, Cattleya.” She bite back her gasp as his fingers spread her labia. “Very quiet.” She pressed her palms to the closed door, her …


Continued None of Cat’s confusion had diminished. Not after a long night of research on who this man was and his connection to her, and certainly not after a fitful rest that brought up old nightmares. She wiped sweat from her face and pushed the speed on the treadmill up another notch. Her legs pumped …


Cara in a black dress, cleavage visible

So starts July and Camp NaNo. This may be a longer story or I may move on to something else tomorrow. Your guess is as good as mine. Enjoy what comes! Cat didn’t react when he smeared her lipstick, dragging the poppy-red color in a streak along her cheek. It didn’t matter that she spent …

A Mouthful

A photo of Cara's naked puss

Needed to write. This was much filthier in my mind, but this is what came out He relieves her of her jeans and underwear the moment she crosses the threshold. “Let me shower first. I’m sweaty and gross.” Pressing her back into the door, he brushes her hands away, blocking her attempts to hid the …


She watched as he unbuckled his slacks, pushing them to the ground. The moment his cock popped free, curving up toward his stomach, she moaned. He didn’t even look at her, turning away to retrieve lube from the nightstand. The dribble of the liquid over the head of his cock had her reaching between her …

To Give In

A half picture of Cara naked on a bed

Just something in my brain because I haven’t written in forever. Elements of non consent “It is inevitable.” His smile was bland at first, but as I struggled in my bounds it grew more salacious. I stopped my struggling, sweat stinging my eyes. They blurred for moment before I focused in on him again. His …

On Top

I hate being on top, but he loves to watch me struggle. His hands rest on my hips as I attempt to find a rhythm, reaching up to tweak my nipple as I growl in frustration. He loves my embarrassment, my lack of coordination. He savors my sweaty face as I try, hands on his …

Window In

A shot through a pair of glasses with Cara naked in both lenses

Something in my drafts I never finished. Works for W. The tenses may be wonky – I don’t know what made me show him my old room. It was a cluttered mess, this weird combination of growing girl and storage space for my many moves. I’m surprised my mother tolerated the state of it. “You …