Day 27: 545 words and a touch of taboo – Her line of work made certain bodily functions a part of life. She’d cleaned more blood, vomit, feces, spit, snot, and urine in her lengthy career than most people produced in their lifetime. It required a steel stomach and a general nonchalantness she possessed in …
Day 36: 865 words. Prompt was about the why of tasks – “You’re making this harder than it needs to be, kitten.” She slumped down on the couch, the computer hanging precariously on the edge of her leg. Of course she was making it harder than was necessary, but she couldn’t seem to get her …
Almost done! One week left! Hooray! In glancing back, I only missed yesterday in my goal to write something daily. Sleep was vitally important to my continued career success so writing had to wait. Theme: Animals Had a little prompt help on a few of these from DomSigns and Molly. Furry: 530 words Pet Hold: …
Day 24: 1100 words – Running. Her long legs pumped hard as she raced through the darkened woods. She barely felt the burn in her thighs and calves, her mind so intent upon making it to safety. The heavy thud of feet trailed her, growing louder even as she put more speed behind her steps. …
Day 23: 320 words. I’m thankful for a lot of things She seasoned the turkey and then put it in the oven. Next came steaming the fresh greens for green bean casserole, making cream of mushroom from scratch, and sliding the dish into the oven. She cut up the potatoes and set them to boiling …
Bonus: 525 words. It demanded to be written so write I did. – A kitten must be fucked properly. He told her that every morning when he woke her. She’d open her eyes to the feeling of his cock buried deep in her cunt, and him whispering that truth in her ears. It was important …
Day 22: 880 words. – The barking of wild dogs scared her from her sleep. She bolted upright, the sound so close it felt like they were right beside the tent. What kind of animals lived out here? She regretted not doing more research before coming all this way. Staying in a tent in the …
Day 21: 800 words. Try to guess the prompt words – She felt decidedly overdressed. Between the excited children, the faint smell of manure, and the varying decibels of animal screams, Laura felt like a painting at… well, at a zoo, frankly. The dress bordered on inappropriate in the way it almost plunged too far …
Day 20: 535 words. – “Geoffroy,” the old woman called as she teetered across the playground. “Geoffroy, come here now, you rascal.” A couple on a bench looked on as the woman made her slow trek by the jungle gym, around the carousel, and under the monkey bars. She looked a little harried, her gray …
Day 20 (actually finished it yesterday): 530 words – Oh God, he didn’t know if he could control himself. He shivered as a fox with large eyes and a bushy tail, one he could run his fingers through, sauntered by him. He wasn’t sure if it was a female or a male fox, but he …