Tag Archives: writing

Splish Splash

Day 27: 545 words and a touch of taboo – Her line of work made certain bodily functions a part of life. She’d cleaned more blood, vomit, feces, spit, snot, and urine in her lengthy career than most people produced in their lifetime. It required a steel stomach and a general nonchalantness she possessed in …


Day 23: 320 words. I’m thankful for a lot of things She seasoned the turkey and then put it in the oven. Next came steaming the fresh greens for green bean casserole, making cream of mushroom from scratch, and sliding the dish into the oven. She cut up the potatoes and set them to boiling …


Bonus: 525 words. It demanded to be written so write I did.  – A kitten must be fucked properly. He told her that every morning when he woke her. She’d open her eyes to the feeling of his cock buried deep in her cunt, and him whispering that truth in her ears. It was important …

Wild Dogs

Day 22: 880 words. – The barking of wild dogs scared her from her sleep. She bolted upright, the sound so close it felt like they were right beside the tent. What kind of animals lived out here? She regretted not doing more research before coming all this way. Staying in a tent in the …