Count down until 2018. Where did the year go? I suppose it’s time for some sort of year-in-review. I’m not the best at reflecting, but find that doing so makes for a better outlook on the coming year. The hard part is remembering the things that happened through the year. There’s my usual things and …
She fucking hated the cold. The tag of one of the shirts she had on was digging into her side and she was losing her hold on her suitcase because her gloves didn’t give her good purchase. It was freezing and miserable. She was nearly home. It was her stubbornness that made her walk from …
A continuation of sorts? – The opening of the garage door woke her from her sleep. Lani stretched, aware of the soreness of her cunt. She cupped herself and felt the lingering wetness of her Daddy’s come on her lips. The touch to her cunt brought what she’d done back to the forefront of her …
She was old enough that coming home for the summer seemed like a silly idea. Especially since none of her siblings where home and it meant she’d have to spend it with her mother and step-father. Her step-father. Lani gripped the steering wheel as she sat in the driveway of the ranch style house that …
Greetings and salutations. Welcome to that weekly post where I (and other similarly minded kinksters) scour the net to bring you Posts of note. Kayla Lords Sensation is My Muse This captures what I want people to feel when they read my reading. I want it to move you, touch you, arouse you. Just as …
Day 28: 760 words – He watched her use her jumper to clean her glasses for the second time that evening. The first he let slide as they were busy with meal preparations and he could tell it was an absent minded gesture. The second time he saw her do it, he deliberately sat the …
Day 27: 545 words and a touch of taboo – Her line of work made certain bodily functions a part of life. She’d cleaned more blood, vomit, feces, spit, snot, and urine in her lengthy career than most people produced in their lifetime. It required a steel stomach and a general nonchalantness she possessed in …
Day 36: 865 words. Prompt was about the why of tasks – “You’re making this harder than it needs to be, kitten.” She slumped down on the couch, the computer hanging precariously on the edge of her leg. Of course she was making it harder than was necessary, but she couldn’t seem to get her …
Day 24: 1100 words – Running. Her long legs pumped hard as she raced through the darkened woods. She barely felt the burn in her thighs and calves, her mind so intent upon making it to safety. The heavy thud of feet trailed her, growing louder even as she put more speed behind her steps. …
Day 22: 880 words. – The barking of wild dogs scared her from her sleep. She bolted upright, the sound so close it felt like they were right beside the tent. What kind of animals lived out here? She regretted not doing more research before coming all this way. Staying in a tent in the …