This is going to be a difficult post to write, but I want to write it for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason is I’ve always felt like I was much better at writing out my thoughts than speaking them. Even then, I’m probably not going to manage to say all of what I …
I just realized that I totally missed my 5 year blog-iversary. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to do a little history of me and my blogging/writing for conversation’s sake. Journaling had always been something I turned to as a child. It was where I went to spill my guts about boys and things I was …
I struggle with my hairy body. My ethnicity means my hair is coarse, thicker, and abundant/obvious. I struggle with not feeling comfortable showing my armpits when I’ve gone longer than two days shaving, or my legs with the stubble gets past a certain point. I am hairy. I get it on my inner thighs, this …
Trying to get my brain reordered so I can write other things. – It’s a packed train. You look convinced that I can’t tell it’s you touching me. The slide of your fingertips along the seem of my tight skirt is so fleeting, surely I can’t tell. I know it’s you. I turn my head, …
Deep Breath *inhale* Aaah It’s done. The questions, anticipation, excitement has all found an outlet. This is where I start the beginning processes for digesting what I’ve learned. I say only the beginning because learning takes times. So let me just give my knee jerk lessons. 1. I’m Happy One of the things I was …
I’ll keep this short, but I wanted to say this really quickly. Today starts the conference. Officially at least. The good part about arriving so early (and being on close terms with the organizers) means I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many people already. Some I’ve met at munches. One very lovely lady at …
Uncooperative creativity. Play with River Monsters while I wrestle with my muse. – The sun had set hours ago, going from that orange glow to dusky pink to black in what felt like seconds. Nerves were just about to get the better of her. Ris had debated the smartness of this for hours and as …
One, two, three – Marie couldn’t seem to get her head to focus. Her ass was awash with heat from being spanked and she ached between her thighs. The play of his fingers along her wetness made her squirm closer. “Such a sweet little thing. You liked that I hurt you and made you cry.” …
Going to try to juggle a few longer stories I suppose. One, two, three – One day turned into two that turned into a week. Lani felt her mood dip as her Daddy’s absence started to take its toll. Worse was the way mama acted as if it didn’t even matter. Her mother’s cheerful mood …
Will edit tomorrow. – The maid tapped her arm, signaling for Hari to raise them so the dress could be slipped over her head. The fabric drifted down around her body like a cloud. She examined her reflection. The makeup was far different than what she was used to, brightening her complexion. Her lips and …