Does contain non-consent. Part one. Hot damn, I finished a thing! The fire transformed the room. Backlit so the glow just touched the edges of his body, Vidar stood like a dream above him. Or perhaps it was a nightmare, as more realizations of Pietre’s fate began to dawn with the rustling of fabric. Pietre …
His sounds were music to her ears. A breath as she wrapped her hand around him, barely audible but her cunt clenched when she heard it. “Don’t be shy.” Her thumb swiped at the weeping head. “It’s just us here.” Don’t you know what I plan to do to you? She wanted to whisper in …
Something I read sparked this. A two parter I’m determined to finish so I can tackle something else I’m trying to write. It’s clunky, but I’m just happy to have the words. Vidar watched the boy chop wood. No, not a boy, if he was being fair, but a young man. The sinewy muscles on …
“How much?” She straightened up and looked over her shoulder. Okay looking guy. She could feel his thoughts and the rolling off him. His eyes were still glued to her ass until she turned around and cut off his view. The way his eyes widened told her how much he appreciated the change. “Depends on …
Contains: Voyeurism/peeping Tom. That’s what is on my mind apparently. And how I need someone to take photos of me in front of a window. It was impossible not to look. He told himself every night he shouldn’t watch. Every night he stood at his window, lights off, eyes trained up. He was already hard …
Old photo, but a shot I’ve never used. “Isn’t she pretty?” Fingers traced her parted lips then trailed down her neck. She kept her eyes closed and her body still. The man stooped down in front of her. His cologne surrounded her, filling her lungs with each inhale. “Present.” She reacted to her Master’s command, …
Voyeuristic stuff, potential non-consent, and old friends. “Fuck, dude! We’re getting killed.” Ripping the headset off, Pat pushed up from the chair. Tim kept playing, shouting into the mic at their buddies. “What the fuck, Pat. What are you doing?” “I’m going to go take a piss and cool off. Play on without me.” He …
I don’t even bother describing my characters half the time. All I see is bodies sliding together in my mind’s eye. I also have no m/m photos for posts like this. “You look so fucking hot like that.” Zach pushed his glasses up and leaned back in his chair. “I’m just working. You’ve watched me …
I’ve been having these… nightmares. No one else would call them that, but that’s what they are. “Allah, protect me.” Those whispered words before sleep never save me, but I say them anyway. My kneeling by my bed never saves me. Not the dream catcher, not the talisman, and not the jewel I bought from …
There is mention of cutting/knife play! This was a story that popped into my head when I should’ve been sleeping last night. “Do you like it that much?” His breath on her cheek made her shiver more than the cold steel pressed to her leg. The knife slide up her inner thigh from her knee …