“Finders, keepers. Losers, weepers.” “For fuck sake, are you twelve? Give me back my underwear.” He moved out of the way when she tried to reach for the tiny red scrape of fabric she claimed was underwear. She made a noise and grasped at them again, her body pressed into his. He kept them enough …
Struggle to get back into the groove of writing. So I’ll keep this one shortish. “Time to play.” He said it and she felt the change come over her. Without being asked, she grabbed her collar, ears, and tail plug after stripping off her clothes. She brought him everything and then knelt in front of …
Playing catch up. JH was hunched over his journal, scribbling quickly as Annika served his afternoon tea. He ignored her as she sat a cup on a saucer and poured the oolong and added a cube of sugar. She added a scone and topped it with clotted cream before exiting his office as quietly as …
Catch up. I’ve been lazy and forgetting the A to Z logo. Hansel lost his sister at the fork. They’d walked this path frequently over the last nineteen years and yet she always managed to get lost. It’s why he came with her this time, so she wouldn’t get lost as the weather changed. Retracing …
I’ll circle back to H. Hopefully? Anyway, a little close to home, this one. – The mirror was never forgiving. She felt… “Fuck. I look terrible.” He looked up from his computer. His eyes slid from her hair up in a loose ponytail, down her body clad in a summer dress that clung to her …
My attempt to catch up with F and G. It wants to be a bigger story and I may when listen to it. *Warning for forced sexual contact* – Through the woods… “Hansel?” They’d entered the woods together, him directly in front of her as they’d started their trek to maman‘s. Somehow, Gretel lost him …
I’ll be back to correct any typos. Just want to get it in before midnight. “Put out your hands.” His voice was harder than his face. She felt tears well up and she hadn’t even received her punishment yet. “If I have to ask you again, the punishment will be worse.” Reluctantly, she presented her …
“Spread your legs.” She squeezed her legs together, unsure about whether she could actually do what he asked. The thought of parting her legs made her stomach flip. Holding her eyes, he tapped her thigh with the cane. “Open.” This time she shook her head. She couldn’t do it. Everything felt wrong down there and …
No energy to write. Something small He clicked the manacle shut and sat back on his haunches. “You’re beautiful, you know.” He reached up to brush her cheek, moving his hand away before she could bite him. “Be nice.” “Fuck you.” When she lunged for him, her chains rattled. Her panting made her naked breasts …
Something scary/sexy (?) I’m working on for Camp NaNo and A to Z. As with normal NaNo, I’ll be doing week long stories all month that may be moved to my other site if they continue. Please note, if you’re at all anxious about what’s going on of late, skipping this story may be for …