So this Kink of the Fortnight’s topic is feet. Admittedly, this is a topic I’m pretty ambivalent about. I don’t mind feet. They don’t gross me out in the way they do some people. They also don’t inspire any kind of sexual feelings. As for my own feet, I’m fairly ticklish/sensitive so I don’t much …
I struggle with jealousy. No, not that kind of jealous. You’d think it would be, right? I’m currently in a D/s relationship with a man who’s married. Add to that the aspect of it being a long distance relationship where I’m obviously not there as often as I’d like. Recipe for jealousy? Not so much. …
Sarai loved to fuck to the sounds of Enya. You’d think something soothing like Only Time would inspire sweet, beautiful love making, but Sarai was different. Twenty years later, any time I hear that zen-like music I think of fucking Sarai. The daughter of two bikers, she was convinced she was switched at birth. Her …
A knock sounded at the door, drawing him away from his work. He debated not answering, but the light tapping became a pounding that rattled the clock above the doorway. The cabin was small so it was a few quick steps to cross from his cluttered desk to the entrance. He threw it open hard …
“Are you, Kaly?” I’m exactly who you want me to be when you shake my hand. Kaly Green from a dating site where you swiped right. Bubbly and busty, waiting there just for you. I smile my million dollar smile and draw you in. You look at me and see what you want to see. …
Photo courtesy of Mrs Fever Welcome to Elust 105– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #106 Start with the rules, …
It’s that time! Time to dive deep into this week’s kink of the fortnight. Let’s talk doggy style. Face down Ass up That’s the way we like to fuck Face Down Ass Up – 2 Live Crew Coming in from behind and tapping dat behind. I’m a person who has issues with picking favorites. I …
So, I’ve been thinking about this post all week. The results for the 3rd round of Smut Marathon posted yesterday, and I was feeling very blah about the whole thing even though I’d done well. Molly was shocked I wasn’t more pleased with how it went. I was trying to explain it yesterday and wasn’t …
Something I started 5 years ago that needs to be finished (one of many things I have hidden away). It’s worth posting here even if I don’t finish it. Be my motivation! – It was always the moment before his teeth sank into her throat that woke her. She lay breathless, her heart racing. But …
He shed his clothes the moment he stepped over the threshold. Dress shirt, trousers, underwear, and socks all neatly folded and placed on the bench near the door. Nerves had threatened to unman him as always just before he pulled up, but a calm settled over him the moment he divested himself of his clothing. …