Tag Archives: writing

School Year

A flash for Storyin12. A bit of yesterday’s prompt and today’s. – “Stand.” She rose from her desk, careful to keep her uniform skirt flipped up. He moved down the row toward her then circled behind to view the marks he’d left on her yesterday. “Palms up, girl.” When she lifted her hands the ruler …

Try Again

Cara Thereon's kitten sipping milk from her finger

I may continue on with the flashes for storyin12. No pressure! – “No, I don’t want to.” The moment she said it, she knew she was in trouble. It was an issue they’d been having for a while even after a lot of discussion. “What did you do wrong?” She straightened in her chair. “I …


Cara's breast covered in blue wax with a knife against it

Finishing up my month long Storyin12 Flash/drabbling with this September’s prompt for Sinful Sunday. I have Stan by Eminem in my head, which colored the post… – “I’d written you so many times and you never answered. Why?” She woke to that question. He hovered over her, anger coloring his face. Trying to rise, she …

Lost at sea

Cara Thereon's kitten sipping milk from her finger

Something for KoTW, which is the sea, using today’s storyin12 words. – Warm sea water surrounded her, welcoming her after her stint on land. The water rushed past her face as she dove down. When she reached the darker water, the creatures of the deep blinking their bioluminescent light, she turned around and shot herself …

Very Unlike Her

Cara Thereon's kitten sipping milk from her finger

Helen looked a bit harried when she sat down at the cafe table. Ten minutes late? Very unlike her. “You alright?” Renee summoned the waiter over as Helen tried to compose herself. “It was… I…” She stopped to order, smoothing her blonde hair down while Renee looked on in concerned. The usually tidy woman was …