Tag Archives: writing


Cara in a red dress, bent over so her bum shows

“Describe your meal to me, please.” She stumbled mentally over Paul’s request, glancing down at her plate before looking across the table. His dark shades hide his unseeing eyes, but she knew from the little smile on his face that he was very aware of the reaction he’d caused asking this of her. He held …

Elust #94

Photo courtesy of Exposing 40 Welcome to Elust 94– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #95 Start with the rules, …

Yes, Sir

I heard his footsteps on the carpet. Nothing loud or noticeable, but anticipation had sharpened my senses so even his light tread made my ears perk up. My eyes remained shut as he requested, no blindfold just his command to obey. Just his promise of pleasure if I’ve been a good girl. Resisting the urge to …


“Come this way.” The woman moved past him and he hesitated a moment before following after her. His mind was torn between uncertainty and arousal with each step he took after her, the red laces trailing down the back of her corset a bright light in the dimness of the hallway. Her hips swayed and her …


Unedited shortie – “This… I don’t think I can even go out of the house in this.” It was black, tight, and far too short. Her breasts were barely contained and the hem just brushed mid thigh. She couldn’t really move and going anywhere other than the bedroom was out of the question. She glanced …

Untitled 4

I found this in my drafts. Click here to start from the beginning.  – Mm, she felt so good in his arms again. She’d been stiff initially from surprise, but there was no ignoring the way her gentle curves melted into his frame. He felt her take a deep breath and placed a restraining hand …

A Servant’s Obedience

Masturbation Monday Badge

Haven’t worked on this since here. Smack my butt will ya. Let’s throw in the added goodness of Masturbation Monday while we’re at it. Go enjoy the others after and maybe I’ll manage to conclude this one someday.  — She couldn’t help fretting the entire day about her scheduled meeting with Mr Davensport. It distracted …