Day 12: Story 2 for today 750 words – “Why do people even eat this? It tastes like paste in my mouth.” Stacy took a big drink of water and felt like she needed a moment to regroup. She loathed following trends, but he’d convinced her trying avocado was something she had to do. “High …
Well, week two wasn’t nearly as prolific. My work schedule left much to be desired so I got behind. Theme: Daddy/kitten I wrote a few posts but not all were for NaNo, but I’m including them all in the report so I feel less like I failed Intimately Exposed Stretching: 701 words Place: 950 words …
I’m freezing my ass off in line for a Comicon, but felt it was still very important to share the posts that made me sit up and take notice. Can I just make a note about how difficult this can be? Not because there aren’t good posts out there, but because the urge to share …
Day 10: 1091 words – It started innocently enough. A question about writing topics for today as National Novel Writing Month was going strong. Kitten was bouncing ideas off of Daddy. He was great at inspiring a story with just a few words, a thing she loved about him. He tended to challenge her when …
Day 7: word count 950. May be a topic that’s a bit weird, but hang in – “Come over here, kitten.” She looked up from where she’d been puzzling out a story for National Novel Writing Month to see him motioning for her. He patted his knee and she went to lie over his lap. …
Just a recap so I can keep track of both my writing progress for NaNo and feel like I’m actually accomplishing things. Theme: horror Day 1 All Saints 1193 words Day 2 Warm Body 505 words, Stepford Wife 746 words Day 3 Skin Eater 875 words Day 4 Don’t Tell 2012 words Total for week …
A non-Nano post. The semi-focused participant in me is not going to think about the words not counting toward the month. I’m not… Anyway, back to the point of the post. The heart and soul of sharing our shit is boosting each other up in the community. Last week’s post touched on the why it’s …
Day 3: word count 875 – “The main course is a little simpler, but no less hearty than previous dishes. A delicious beef bone broth.” She watched him move around the room, raw excitement radiating off of him as he worked the crowd. He was in his element here. Chef, host, entertainer, he was a …
Day 2. 505 words in story one. Inspired by Exhibit A’s writing prompts with song lyrics. – She arched into him, her hands gripping his wrist. Long nails left divots in his skin that drew blood, the metallic odor scenting the air. “You’re so beautiful.” He swallowed a groan as he pushed his cock inside …
“How was the gym?” She tossed her bag down and dropped on the couch beside him. Her shirt clung to her skin and she felt hot all over. “Sweaty. Intervals today on the treadmill.” She straightened her left leg out and gave it a shake. “Battling through with some endurance training.” “Did anyone notice your …