A closer glance revealed the lines of age on her face. When she said she had grandchildren, I didn’t believe her at first, the truth hidden by the sultry and vivacious nature she had on full display that night. I see it now though She danced like a woman full of passion, the sway of …
She rattled the chains that held her, looking for that inch of leeway. None existed. Trussed up tight with arms and legs bound, with body bent and cunt exposed. “Walk into my parlor…” The whispered words tickled her ears, caressing like the fingers trailing down her back. They tap, gentle than hard and then back …
A continuation of sorts? – The opening of the garage door woke her from her sleep. Lani stretched, aware of the soreness of her cunt. She cupped herself and felt the lingering wetness of her Daddy’s come on her lips. The touch to her cunt brought what she’d done back to the forefront of her …
She was old enough that coming home for the summer seemed like a silly idea. Especially since none of her siblings where home and it meant she’d have to spend it with her mother and step-father. Her step-father. Lani gripped the steering wheel as she sat in the driveway of the ranch style house that …
Photo courtesy of Candysnatch Reviews Welcome to Elust 101– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #102 Start with the rules, …
“Your daughter tied up in a Brooklyn basement.” Hypnotize – Notorious B.I.G – Daddy’s good girl. Where are you supposed to be, little girl? At that fundraiser your Pops is putting on uptown, wearing that Fendy dress and them Louis heels. Making Daddy proud as you connect those social dots and find that man with …
Well, we’re all done with NaNo for the year. To recap the week, here’s what happened: Theme: Tasks The Task of Tasks: 865 words Splish Splash: 545 words Eye Peepers: 760 words Task at Hand: 1435 words That brings the total for the week to 3605 and the month to 23,144. I missed a couple …
Greetings and salutations. Welcome to that weekly post where I (and other similarly minded kinksters) scour the net to bring you Posts of note. Kayla Lords Sensation is My Muse This captures what I want people to feel when they read my reading. I want it to move you, touch you, arouse you. Just as …
LAST DAY OF NaNo: 1435 words. That’s all folks! – She rose from bed before the alarm sounded, turning it off before it would wake him. His soft breathing, slow and even, and the warmth of his body threatened to lull her back to sleep. She settled for wrapping herself around him for the briefest …
Day 28: 760 words – He watched her use her jumper to clean her glasses for the second time that evening. The first he let slide as they were busy with meal preparations and he could tell it was an absent minded gesture. The second time he saw her do it, he deliberately sat the …