Unedited – This was not a town where she felt she belonged, never mind that she grew up there. Coming home just reminded her how different she was and had always felt from everyone. Boys never approached her in high school. She was the black girl in a school that had few black kids. She …
As an explanation, this thought popped into my head. I’ve been called sir on more than one occasion in my life and it made me think. I’d like to revisit this, but please accept my first attempt with kindness. — “You’re new here.” The matter of fact words, spoken in a sultry tone caught all …
She sat down, toggled to the still empty page, and thought about what she wanted. I want love with a healthy dose of kink. She erased that line. What the fuck was she actually looking for in a relationship? Not just someone to spank her ass, but someone to lead her. She wanted to be …
He positioned her legs wide, moving her hips so she teetered on the edge of the bed. He gripped her chin, turning her face from side to side before leaning down to meet her gaze. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” Her brow furrowed and something flickered in her eyes before she replied. “What?” He …
Unedited She crawled across the floor toward him, the light seeming to caress her brown skin, flowing over her the closer she came. Before she reached his chair, he stopped her. “Turn, kitten. Show me my cunt.” She turned on her knees like a good girl, lowering her chest to the rug and then reaching …
Quickie – He watched her approach, his cock rising as his eyes slid from her naked breasts to her swaying hips. When she stopped by the side of the bed, he took a deep breath. He could smell her, the heady scent of woman and sex filling his lungs. He made to reach for her …
A continuation of this. With a lovely contribution from @domsigns whom I wish would write more, but I'll take what I can get. – "Baby, can you come help me find my keys to the suitcase? I think they're lost under the bed somewhere?" She stopped reading her book, looked in the direction of the …
An unedited quickie – “Come here, little girl, and let me tell you a story.” She crawled toward him, eager to listen. When she reached him, he sank a hand on her hair and pulled until her neck was bared to him. “What would you do, kitten, if I put you in an auction?” Her …
Speak the things into existence that you long for in life – I stalk into the house, in a total fit and ready to unload on him like usual. He always listens to me talk about work even when he doesn't quite understand why. Work had been particularly difficult last night, and I really needed …