Friends, Fuck me. No, not literally. As in, I feel like a moron. I’m a moron whose day just got a little shitty. Just when you think you can trust a man, he goes and fucks it up. Doesn’t a little roll in the hay mean anything to people anymore? I’ve learned Mac is a …
Vapor Rub- A memory That menthol scent triggers such memories. “Put Vicks on your chest, forehead, under your nose, on your feet…” My mother’s voice rings in my ear as I open a jar. The viscous white elixir was the fixer of all problems. “Put some on your knee if it’s aching.” It’s a comforting …
Oh my, friend, Poor Mac. He’s a bit of a mess right now. I didn’t even realize how much guilt could mess with a man’s head. No worries, I’m here to help the only way I know how. Sex. Honestly, sometimes the best solution is a little sex. I read that somewhere. Cosmo maybe? Regardless, …
Friends, Come closer for my little tale because I can’t speak too loudly right now. Mac had us cloistered in this shitty hotel room in the middle of nowhere. He said this was to throw them off our scent, but I think it’s because he really wanted to get me alone and naked. If he …
Hi friends, Well, no one brought me flats or jeans. That’s okay though because it isn’t like you can get to me anyway. I would kill for a venti cup of blonde roast coffee right now. Okay, not kill. People dying in my presence is what got me into this mess. In other news, I’ve …
Friends, I’m just an average girl, trying to mind my own business and put in forty hours at the accounting office. I’m not sure how I got tied up in mob business and killing, but I’m trying to navigate my way out of them. In case anyone asks, I didn’t kill that guy. I can …
“You can be granted any wish if you climb witch hill at midnight on All Hallows Eve But if you don’t pass the witch’s test, she keeps you forever” A bit of a quest and he could use something to get his mind off his current misfortune. That last hand of cards cost him most …
I’d just stripped out of my clothes and gotten into bed, the stress of work melting away as I slid between the cool sheets. I was contemplating a wank before sleep when I heard a knock at my door. The idea to ignore it was abandoned when the steady knock came again. Dressing with a …
A way to blow off steam. That’s what he told me because he wasn’t “into dudes”. Not when he had a girlfriend and was the bro-y-ist of bros. Not when he had an image of straight guyness to maintain. I wanted to tell him we were in 2018 not 1918 and no one gave a …
This isn’t scary, which goes against all the scary stuff running up to Halloween. I’m bucking the trend! – “Have you been eating a lot of pineapple?” She licked her lips and looked up at him. A tiny drop hung from the corner of her mouth then dropped onto her nipple. “What?” Just seeing that …