Tag Archives: story

A red line

Cara Thereon's kitten sipping milk from her finger

Follow along “Aren’t you a pretty thing…” I had to be dreaming. I struggled to wake, but something kept pulling me back down into sleep. Fingertips traced my face, then my lips. I parted them and I felt the touch on my tongue. Before my mouth could close, could taste his skin, the finger moved …

School Year

A flash for Storyin12. A bit of yesterday’s prompt and today’s. – “Stand.” She rose from her desk, careful to keep her uniform skirt flipped up. He moved down the row toward her then circled behind to view the marks he’d left on her yesterday. “Palms up, girl.” When she lifted her hands the ruler …

Try Again

Cara Thereon's kitten sipping milk from her finger

I may continue on with the flashes for storyin12. No pressure! – “No, I don’t want to.” The moment she said it, she knew she was in trouble. It was an issue they’d been having for a while even after a lot of discussion. “What did you do wrong?” She straightened in her chair. “I …