Kelly loved a good book, but this being in the book nonsense? Utter bullshit. Jay had disappeared out of the bedroom, leaving her in this cage, forgotten like a bad puppy. She sat back on her heels glad there was at least a small rug to keep her from being on hard floor. A worry …
“What?” The utter disbelief in his voice would’ve made her laugh if the situation wasn’t so completely insane. “We are in the book. In it.” “Don’t be silly.” She needed her hands free, but he was making no move to release her. His attention seemed to have shifted back to her exposed ass and cunt. …
Mary was in trouble and she knew it. She’d been disrespectful to her husband, spending money recklessly, and causing a scene outside the house. Her husband could’ve punished her privately, but her behavior – and subsequent destruction of her neighbor’s property during her fit – earned her something a little more public. They lived in …
“You will do the things you’ve never done to have the woman you least expect.” It was twenty-four hours later and he was still thinking about what the crazy gypsy lady had said last night. Things he’d never done? Jay wasn’t sure what that meant. When the gypsy asked him what he wanted, Kelly had …
The night started out on such a lovely track. He took her to a nice little seafood place that overlooked the ocean. Kelly enjoyed a glass of wine and found herself leaning across the table, hanging on his words. Things were going at a nice clip. She learned he was an entertainment lawyer who loved …
“Earth to Kelly. Come in, space cadet.” She’d started reading and checked out of the conversation with her friends Ashley and Claire. Kelly really had been paying attention, right up into Ashley started talking about her latest conquest and then she’d picked up her book. “Sorry, Ash. I just got to a really good part …
Dear friends, Life takes funny turns sometimes. One moment you’re trying to break your incredibly long no sex streak and the next you’re tied to a dirty mattress in a warehouse. Other girls get flowers, I get ropes. We’re all different in that way. Anyway, I’m safe and things have mostly worked out. As for …
Friends, Fuck me. No, not literally. As in, I feel like a moron. I’m a moron whose day just got a little shitty. Just when you think you can trust a man, he goes and fucks it up. Doesn’t a little roll in the hay mean anything to people anymore? I’ve learned Mac is a …
Vapor Rub- A memory That menthol scent triggers such memories. “Put Vicks on your chest, forehead, under your nose, on your feet…” My mother’s voice rings in my ear as I open a jar. The viscous white elixir was the fixer of all problems. “Put some on your knee if it’s aching.” It’s a comforting …
Friends, I’m a come-covered hussy on the run from the mob. Seriously, can we talk about how inconsiderate they are? There I am, trying to enjoy my afterglow and they try to show up and ruin my buzz. Do they not know how long it’s been since I’ve had decent cock? I’m not usually one …