It was the position of her body, plus the skin gleaming as though fresh from the shower and the face so peaceful, that told a story. “Looks like a, uh, thirty-two year female, dumped in the park. Naked, six gunshot wounds to the back, minimal blood at the scene.” Beautiful girl. That was his thought …
Rick glanced at his best friend, Josh, lounging on his bed in little except a pair of briefs. That same nervous thrum of excitement hit every time Rick was in his presence. They’d been friends too long for this strange crush Rick had developed. Josh has been clear about what got his dick hard and …
The traditional way of numbering the years in the Julian and Gregoria calendars is utilizing B.C. (Commonly denoted as Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini or Year of our Lord). My life has marking points on the calendar. Birthdays, moving, taking a new job. I like to use a different marking system for my submissive …
He watched her dance, her plump ass jiggling and her breasts bouncing. She was down to pasties and the tiniest g-string that hid nothing as she gripped the pole and hoisted herself up effortlessly. It was utterly mesmerizing to watch her work. The focused concentration was obvious, but so was the obvious enjoyment at dancing. …
“Alexa, turn on the lights in the hallway and kitchen.” What should’ve happened as she kicked off shoes in the foray, her coat swinging on the hook near the door, was her smart sockets should’ve turned on the lights. Her brow furrowed as she ventured down the dark hallway and nothing happened. “Alexa, turn on–” …
“What the fuck is that?” The dildo wobbled up and down on it when she tapped it with her finger. She barely contained her giggle as she tapped the dildo again. “Bit of a DIY fuck machine, I reckon. Bet you’d enjoy seeing me wobble my fanny over that.” “Good god, what will they think …
I am a “little”. I’ve written some about it here for GoTN. I’ve talked a small amount about it through out my blog, mostly as fiction. But I am a little. What that means is there are times I feel small and want cared for by my Dominant, DomSigns. Incidentally, for those who are new …
“I’ll just have a regular coffee.” She stared at him expectantly. When he didn’t say anything else, she piped up. “Is that all?” “Sure, I’ll take one of your…” he glanced at the case, “apple strudel muffins.” Her expression was confused, but she took his money. He moved further down the counter, dodging a woman …
“Can I get thirty dollars on pump,” she turned to glance through the window, “one?” She tried handing the guy her credit card, but he just turned and spit a brown stream into a bottle near where her hand rested. This guy was about as backwoods as it got. The amount of John Deere apparel …
“Fucking traffic.” The red lights ahead did not bode well for her getting to her scheduled stop on time. Picking up her phone, she shot him a text. Stuck in traffic. Again. 😑 The bubbles danced in the text box before his response popped up. How much time does it add? She toggled away and …