Tag Archives: writing

Elust 117

Cara Thereon's kitten sipping milk from her finger

Photo courtesy of Master’s Eye Welcome to Elust 117– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #118? Start with the rules, …

Rope Bunny

I’ve been meaning to write about my experience being a rope bunny at Eroticon, but my mind has been on other things. Luckily, R for the A to Z challenge came around so I could slip it in for that and for Sinful Sunday. Rope is a kink I’ve only really brushed the surface with …


All my life, I’ve been considered the quiet one in my family. The one who would, as a baby, sit quietly as long as I could see other people. I didn’t have to talk and didn’t really need to play with others. I like living alone. Prefer it honestly, because my space is my own …


So I had a different P planned for today (and I may return to that P word on another post), but I was encouraged to write about this today instead. P is for Patreon. If you’ve not gathered, I like to write. I have a tendency to write in abundance and have for a number …


I like being naked. While I have areas of my body I wished looked nicer, perkier, or less dimpled, as a whole none of that makes me uncomfortable with being naked. I come from a very naked family. Mom will strip out of her clothes in front of any family member and she does not …


Daddy grabbing Cara's blonde tipped hair.

The most obvious thing to do here is talk about kink, right? I am kinky I write a lot about the ways that I enjoy being spanked and used both in fiction and in real life ways. I’ve also discussed how I like being little and having a Daddy. Do you know what’s one thing …


My immediate family isn’t very large. I have a host of half siblings, but when my father died visiting that side of the family decreased to once every 5-10 years. My older (maternal half) sister never really cared for me. By the time I came on the scene, she’d pretty much solidified her place as …