Tag Archives: story

To Give In

A half picture of Cara naked on a bed

Just something in my brain because I haven’t written in forever. Elements of non consent “It is inevitable.” His smile was bland at first, but as I struggled in my bounds it grew more salacious. I stopped my struggling, sweat stinging my eyes. They blurred for moment before I focused in on him again. His …

On Top

I hate being on top, but he loves to watch me struggle. His hands rest on my hips as I attempt to find a rhythm, reaching up to tweak my nipple as I growl in frustration. He loves my embarrassment, my lack of coordination. He savors my sweaty face as I try, hands on his …

Window In

A shot through a pair of glasses with Cara naked in both lenses

Something in my drafts I never finished. Works for W. The tenses may be wonky – I don’t know what made me show him my old room. It was a cluttered mess, this weird combination of growing girl and storage space for my many moves. I’m surprised my mother tolerated the state of it. “You …

Xiphoid, Y-bone

A half picture of Cara naked on a bed

I want to make it to the end of this so I’m combining the last few missing letters. He woke suddenly, going from blackness to bright clarity in seconds. The pain hit seconds after he opened his eyes. His head, his fucking head was killing him. “Fuck.” His attempts to rise were stymied by frozen …


Cara kneeling cupping her breast in post title A Beggar

This popped into my head a disjointed mess and I left it that way. He extolled the virtues of godly works at the pulpit, and called me every type of whore as he covered me in his robes and fucked my face in the rectory. Every Sunday, without fail. The first time, he told about …


Cara sitting in a field with Daffodils springing up between her thighs

Careful. The trees will offer you comfort… The woods always seem friendly during the day. The gentle rustle of the leaves and the sun peeking through like a halo as you walk. Nothing is more beautiful than the fresh scent as it fills your nose and the buzz of the insects as they dart about …


My mind is full of weird things. I just kept this from being a different type of story. Too early for something dark that needs a trigger warning. Still this gent may make some uncomfortable with his fetish. The back door was an open invitation. He jumped the fence and strolled in. No attention was …


Lip licking

Dirty girl, that’s what he liked to call me. He’d tell me to strip and make me pose, legs spread and mouth opened wide. He’d stand over me, cock bobbing, balls heavy with cum, and tell me to service him. I’m press to my face in his groin and lick. From tip to base, tight …