Tag Archives: story

All that glitters

This pain, snaking like black tendrils through her chest, sank deeper and deeper the longer she watched. She was caught between it and the erotic nearly hypnotic scene before her. “Fuck me.” She cringed at the way the words rolled off the woman’s tongue. They were a raspy whisper that sounded ugly to her ears. …


Anticipation sent a tremble through her while she waited.  Her body prostrate on the bed in the exact position he required, waiting for him. Fingers stretched out toward the headboard, bottom facing the door, thighs parted to display all that was his.  She stilled, listening for the sound of his approach on the carpet. Nothing …

Flash 14

For MM — “Care to wager?” I watched him with narrowed eyes, sensing I was about to place a losing bet. He leaned against the doorway, seemingly relaxed as though we were betting on horses or a ball game. That ease of his irritated the hell out of me. “What are the terms?” I let …