That doll gave me the fucking creeps, but Annie wanted it as soon as we walked into the charity shop so I had to buy it. “It’s name is Annabel! That’s my name, mama.” “Sure is, sugar.” I grimaced as I touched its dusty dress and waxy skin. Touching it freaked me out, but my …
I was reaching for my gun with every ounce of remaining strength I possessed. My fingers barely brushed it as my vision started to darken. “Uh uh, detective.” He knocked it away and something broke in me. I had zero assurance as my life faded that I’d wake up tucked in my bed this time. …
He’d spotted her at the club, her rosy cheeks giving her away. The nervous beating of her heart was better music than the stuff blasting out of the stereo. It took nothing to lure her back to his nest. Less to strip her of her clothing. Tilting her head, she offered him her throat. Her …
My mother always said keep your plans simple and your escape route clear. Great advice that’s kept me out of a lot of trouble in my life and career. Admittedly, I was only really following part of that plan for this, but I had a backup if things went awry. When things went awry. My …
I eyed my lawyer, frustrated by the whole process. If he wasn’t a friend, I’d lose my shit on him. This run around and grilling was getting on my last nerve. Twelve hours in the county jail without a shower, a toothbrush, or a moment to myself would make anyone a cranky bitch. Being on …
The red light turned green and I entered the intersection. Bright headlights blinded me and I heard the impact long before I felt it. I shut my eyes and blew out a breath. Or maybe it was pushed out of me. Time still, paused as my path in life stopped abruptly. Then altered course. It …
Follow along – When I woke up… was it hours later? I glanced at the red numbers on the bedside clock and they made no sense. My eyes took too long to adjust before I could read. 4:45am Been out for a while then. I swallowed and then groaned at my sore throat. Talking was …
Follow along. This is a quickie – I opened my mouth to beg. For him to stop or to keep going, I wasn’t sure. What I did know was that I wanted to come on his cock so fucking bad. I wanted it more than I wanted to breathe. Obviously. My cunt cling to him, …
God, please don’t tease me. Even as I thought that, I felt the head of his cock brushing my clit. A frisson of electricity zipped through my body. Suddenly I wanted to be teased. I wanted him to draw it out just a little because I knew this was all I could have from him. …
Follow along – I was frozen. All that waiting and he was here. He looked relaxed, sitting comfortably in my desk chair, the lamp casting golden light across his face. I was sweaty and out of sorts. “Aren’t you going to greet me?” I gripped the doors as so many thoughts cycled through my brain. …