It never abates. Their stories whirl through my head like cards in a rolodex. Snippets of their thoughts, images of their exploits, enter my mind. Usually I only hear the first bit and then ignore the rest. Sometimes I wasn’t so lucky An older man is bicycling along the highway. He bikes to keep himself …
Can be read as a stand alone, but if you’d like to read in up to this point… Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. – “W-wait.” Bella’s voice trembled, but not from fear, not of him at least. The feel of him pressed against her was so good. It awakened something in her …
The town overflows with the promise of a party. The way his fingers tickle up my leg as we weave through the crowd sends my joy higher. I want to dance with him under the red lanterns and stringed lights, swaying to the band I hear playing in the distance. His hand finds mine as …
This started as a story about The Crane Wife, but it got too long so I cut it. It was meant to be for the poll I did on twitter on a story about an obscure fairytale. Perhaps I’ll come back to this and do the rest of the tale. – Out in the woods, …
She’s a pretty one, ain’t she? All that long dark hair and her hypnotic eyes. You haven’t even seen her tits or her ass yet and you already wanna fuck her, don’t you? Wait a minute though, it gets better. Watch her dance. The way her she moves to the music does something to every …
He lifted her high, allowing her butt to clear the edge of the counter. Rough hands pushed up her skirt and narrow hips inserted themselves between her thighs. The cold countertop barely registered as he pulled her panties to one side and inserted two thick fingers. She sighed at the way he could make her …
Smut marathon is in round 2 voting. Go pick your top 3 for the round! I’m doing my own form of participation. The first paragraph is what Molly wrote for the first round. Everything after is mine. I believe I came in at 123 words. – The first time I saw her she was standing …
“Forgive me, Father…” He knelt on the hard ground, the rough stone digging into his knees. Staring up at the crucified Jesus. “I have sinned.” Crossing himself, he shifted so he created more room beneath his robe. He tried to tamp down the thoughts that bubbled up. The peek of breast he’d seen as a …
Draft from 2014(!!). As part of the short stories I was writing inspired by the show titles of the Hannibal TV series. – His fingers slid under her skirt to press against her pink panties. Their table was empty, everyone else spilled onto the dance floor. When he leaned in, his mouth close to her …