

So, I’ve been thinking about this post all week. The results for the 3rd round of Smut Marathon posted yesterday, and I was feeling very blah about the whole thing even though I’d done well. Molly was shocked I wasn’t more pleased with how it went. I was trying to explain it yesterday and wasn’t …


Something I started 5 years ago that needs to be finished (one of many things I have hidden away). It’s worth posting here even if I don’t finish it. Be my motivation! – It was always the moment before his teeth sank into her throat that woke her. She lay breathless, her heart racing. But …


He shed his clothes the moment he stepped over the threshold. Dress shirt, trousers, underwear, and socks all neatly folded and placed on the bench near the door. Nerves had threatened to unman him as always just before he pulled up, but a calm settled over him the moment he divested himself of his clothing. …

Don’t Cry

This is going to be a difficult post to write, but I want to write it for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason is I’ve always felt like I was much better at writing out my thoughts than speaking them. Even then, I’m probably not going to manage to say all of what I …

Blog Me, Baby

I just realized that I totally missed my 5 year blog-iversary. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to do a little history of me and my blogging/writing for conversation’s sake. Journaling had always been something I turned to as a child. It was where I went to spill my guts about boys and things I was …

Hairy Truth

Cara's hairy thighs in red fishnets

I struggle with my hairy body. My ethnicity means my hair is coarse, thicker, and abundant/obvious. I struggle with not feeling comfortable showing my armpits when I’ve gone longer than two days shaving, or my legs with the stubble gets past a certain point. I am hairy. I get it on my inner thighs, this …


Cara's bare bottom with some marks on it

I’ve mentioned in the past old stories I’ve written that few have seen. I’m trying to work on writing more non-fiction/regular pieces, but fiction has always felt safe to me. Here’s something old to enjoy in the meantime. – “Give me that ass.” He slapped her flank hard, sending a bolt of pain flashing across …


Cara working off her points, naked with the dressage whip

This is going to be a jumbly mess, but I’m going to try to express my thoughts. I struggle sometimes with love. That’s not accurate. It’s more I struggle with my understanding of people’s desire to be around me. I don’t always get why people miss me or are excited when I come back to …