Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.

Look. See.

Cara in the mirror holding a doxy wand to her cunt

Do thick thighs save lives? Does hair make a difference? On comprehension On composition On who plays with vibes Mirror Full length mirror On the wall Who’s the kitten Before you so tall? Brown girl Brown girl What’s not to love? Combo: mirror + toy = mirrored toy? You’d think this would be easy except …


As most people know, I tend to write erotica. Steamy, steamy, sexy erotica. It’s not all that I wrote. Every once in a while a story will pop into my mind that isn’t sexy in the slightest. This storyline cropped up after a conversation at work and I sat and wrote it out. So as …

Toes Goes

Cara's feet on a bed in gray scale/sepia

So this Kink of the Fortnight’s topic is feet. Admittedly, this is a topic I’m pretty ambivalent about. I don’t mind feet. They don’t gross me out in the way they do some people. They also don’t inspire any kind of sexual feelings. As for my own feet, I’m fairly ticklish/sensitive so I don’t much …

Hey, Jealousy

Spanked with red implement

I struggle with jealousy. No, not that kind of jealous. You’d think it would be, right? I’m currently in a D/s relationship with a man who’s married. Add to that the aspect of it being a long distance relationship where I’m obviously not there as often as I’d like. Recipe for jealousy? Not so much. …

Orinoco Flow

Sarai loved to fuck to the sounds of Enya. You’d think something soothing like Only Time would inspire sweet, beautiful love making, but Sarai was different. Twenty years later, any time I hear that zen-like music I think of fucking Sarai. The daughter of two bikers, she was convinced she was switched at birth. Her …


Cara with her hands on top of her breasts in post titled Perfectionist

A little poem that encapsulates the feelings I sometimes have about my creativity/art. I was trying to communicate something in this photo, but lacked the patience to do it.  – I want to get it right. Just. Right. The angle, the lighting, the motherfucking words But perfection isn’t possible (No, I’m not patient enough for …

The Wire

A close up of Cara smiling in post titled The Wire

“Are you, Kaly?” I’m exactly who you want me to be when you shake my hand. Kaly Green from a dating site where you swiped right. Bubbly and busty, waiting there just for you. I smile my million dollar smile and draw you in. You look at me and see what you want to see. …