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Bits N Boobs

Cara kneeling down while Daddy strokes her back

Count down until 2018. Where did the year go?

I suppose it’s time for some sort of year-in-review. I’m not the best at reflecting, but find that doing so makes for a better outlook on the coming year.

The hard part is remembering the things that happened through the year. There’s my usual things and the big things that happened. There’s also the realization that I’m boring af. I tweeted out that I should’ve just stuck to a tweet because all I’ve done this year is travel, meet Daddy, worked, wrote a bit, took some photos. Hashtag boring.

But let’s give this a try.

January: I made it across country with my best friend and spent time with here in a few places like Las Vegas and San Fran. I’d started working out with a trainer last year, but started with a new one out west and was already seeing positive changes in my body.

I got my septum pierced!

Post of note: Marks inspired by the song Anna Sun by Walk The Moon

February Post of note: Swallow Malta is a pleasure slave who’s managed to avoid pleasing the king. That ends tonight when she encounters Tabor

March: I was working in California (my winter retreat) and did and awesome food tour of North Beach in San Francisco. 🤤

Posts of note: You’re it<<<<<<<<
Signs and I started talking. I didn’t know then what he’d become to me, but it started with questions back and forth. I also made my trip back across country with my mother. April was also National Poetry Writing Month. My very first reference to kitten. I started working back at a place I’d worked before, which made for an easy transition.

Post of note: Expanse (Poetry) Motivation (Story)

May: My relationship with DomSigns started to evolve. Chatting via DM and getting a better understanding of each other. He helped me redesign my site, assisting me in move to self hosting. I became his kitten and he my Daddy.

Post of note: Forgiven It’s the start of my run of Daddy/kitten stories and the lovely Molly edited the photo at the top for me. Isn’t it lovely? (Runner up: Use Your Words)

June post of note: Courses Cara describes a meal to Paul. Attraction is sparked.

July: happy birthday to me! I turned 33. This is also the month a put a little bit of Daddy/kitten on my body. I got a kitten tattoo on my left hip for him, and I cherish that kitten a lot.

Posts of note: Scag sometimes the rush of sex and drugs pulls some under Longing this is James’ goodbye to her.

August: I wrote publicly about DomSigns, Michael being My Daddy. I’ve never felt more loved, cared for, or cherished by anyone. He’s a good Dom, a good man really.

He encouraged me to attempt “dating”. I wasn’t interested in that, but I did try finding a spanking partner. One guy turned into an asshole and the other I met with a couple of times. That was an interesting experience that led me to realize that some guys aren’t mature. Some guys also don’t get that you can have kink and a relationship. You can also just spank someone’s ass without making it a big deal, by that I mean if I want to cuddle that does not mean I’m trying to be your girlfriend. I also learned how fucking important aftercare is and should be with each session. It also made me value Daddy for not being like other guys. Again, he’s a good man.

Post of note: Grasp a foray into breath play.

November post of note: Strapped stepping out for the first time as someone new. Will he find himself or hide away?

October: I got to spend 4 too short days with Daddy (and Molly). I got to play and be kitten and spend some time with him. I got to sightsee in London AND have all the lovely food 🤤. The not so fun part was the drop I had after. I cried so much after leaving him and then I got sooo sick when I got home.

Post of note: A sacrifice of blood Sara has wandered where she shouldn’t and ends up at the center of something sinister. Also of note is And C makes Three where I discuss my place as a third.

November: National Novel Writing Month where I wrote a post (mostly) a day. I managed to produce some decent stuff, writing wise that I’m proud to point out. In everyday life, I did a local food tour on an extremely cold day that was amazing.

Posts of note: Don’t Tell she’s babysitting and things are about to take a deadly turn. Ssh, don’t tell. Swap Fran wakes to quite a surprise.

December: took a little vacation to somewhere warm. It mean time I couldn’t talk to Daddy, but warm.

My photo of the year:

Bloggers (and tweeters) I’ve read and enjoyed this year in no particular order

Tits and test tubes
Asari Devin
Panda Kitten
Elliot Henry
May Moore
Hannah Lockhardt
Eva St.James
Confess Hannah
Ugh… there are a ton of people I could put here. It gets long and unwieldy though after so long. I’ve read so many awesome blogs and followed so many awesome tweeter folk. I feel like I’m leaving people off and I hate that. There are people I miss who used to blog all the time like LoveSexMarriage and other older bloggers who have disappeared.

So, this is @domsigns and I am adding a note here at the bottom, kitten has missed a few very important things off of her list not the least of which is that we are in love. Now this is a big deal for the all of us and an even bigger deal for kitten as  she has never said that to anyone and had it said back to her. I treasure that she has found love and that I get to be part of that. 

Part of her discovery (that she forgets sometimes) is how I feel about her putting herself down and so her statement of “There’s also the realization that I’m boring af” is her forgetting that she isn’t boring at all. I realize that it is not an attempt to downplay the importance of our love, but her life experiences of being told that over and over.

kitten feels most comfortable expressing her thoughts and feelings through fiction rather than personal narrative and so I often use her work to explore her thoughts and feelings and how they relate to her real life. I know this is her year in review but I hope that together in 2018 we can help kitten find the amazing woman we all see everyday.


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