Tag Archives: writing

All Good Things

Last day of National Poetry Month. Highlights from this month includes some haikus and lamenting my missing creativity. While I’ll continue posting poetry, I feel it important to note the end of the month with a motley crew of poetry. I’m utilizing Andy’s prompt for the first. Prompt: Unintended Consequences Word Count: 123 Jealousy Opening …

Images In Grey

Finishing up a night shift. So very sleepy I am. Prompt from Five Sentence Fiction, photo as well. Words from The Sunday Whirl. Prompt: Shadows Two ships at ports opposite, transparent with their billowing sails, at the end of their journeys harrowing, and set to pass by one more time They glide toward each other …

A Grip

Ever have a story pop into your mind when you’re doing something that makes it impossible to write it down? I’m driving when this story, this first line popped into my head 5 hours ago. She loved the weight of him in her hands. The color, dark with blood brought on by lust teased her. …

Sunday Poetry

Couple of pieces to enjoy. First is my morning/night haikus from yesterday Early sunlight Streaming in Rousing me sweetly * Eyes heavy Body relaxed Night sets in – A small wordle from The Sunday Whirl I struggle to thrive To land on my feet To never let life harden me To carry on though I’m …

Whisker Burn

The last thing I wrote for this story.  Follow the link to read to this point. There are other interesting things under the tabs.  “Another beer?” David pulled a couple of twenties from his jeans and laid them on the bar. “I’ll need a couple more at least, Sam.” The beefy bartender eyed him, pity …