This trip out of the village didn’t take long. Or maybe it was naked fear blinding Jay from noticing. He’d much rather his earlier moment with Marta to this consuming emotion. Simon was hopping up into the bed of the cart and unhooking him from the rail in moments. Jay was descending into a full …
Watching Jay being led away really fucked with Kelly’s head. Her chin was covered in the queen’s come, but every ounce of arousal was gone as she worried about him going to the village. The flashes of recollection she had weren’t fabulous, but she knew that he faced a public auction. She also knew the …
This week’s Wicked Wednesday prompt is writing. I thought about a host of things I could cover here. Lots to trudge through. I’ve been writing for a long time. I’ve written about how long I’ve been writing. Things have evolved for me. From journals to blogging to sex blogging. All of it is a way …
“But I’m not searching for anything.” That was the first thing she said when she came to and found herself naked and kneeling before a queen’s throne. Frustration bubbled up. Kelly hadn’t believed she needed anything before. Meeting Jay could be deemed as finding a nice thing. He’s definitely been a surprise she wasn’t anticipating. …
“Where are we going, Jay?” “Just wait. It’s a surprise, quit trying to spoil it.” Kelly kinda hated surprises. She would go looking for her Christmas presents as a kid and beg for hints if she couldn’t find them. She was notorious for reading the last couple pages of a book. Who wanted to read …
“Kelly, it’s been three weeks and you haven’t picked up a book once.” Call her crazy, but after that last shitshow with the gypsy and falling into a book, she was a little reluctant to even look at a book. “I’m pretty sure I have post traumatic stress syndrome.” Kelly shuddered as she looked across …
Kelly came awake with a start. “Geezus,” she groaned as the day she had came rushing back to her. She was still in Jay’s arms. Her hands smoothed down his chest to feel him breathing as though asleep and then his arm to find it bullet free. The throbbing of her back that had followed …
Photo courtesy of Cara Thereon Welcome to Elust 112– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #113? Start with the rules, …
They had been riding for what felt like ever. The sun had started to set, plunging what was already a cold day into near freezing temperatures. While Hock had deigned to throw a cloak around her shoulders so she couldn’t actually freeze, she wasn’t sure she’d arrive wherever they were going the same way as …
For the first time in her life as a dedicated reader, Kelly was hating a book. She didn’t think hate was even a strong enough word to describe how she felt. One thing was for sure, she wasn’t a fan of this part of history. Kelly was naked, cold, and being forced to ride behind …