OH MY GOD. I WROTE SOMETHING “Ah.. please, Ravvi?” Pretti moaned his name, her breath hitching before she continued. “I’ll ooh-“ The man between Pretti’s thighs pulled her tighter against his mouth. Ravvi looked away, a hot blush staining his cheeks. He wasn’t sure why he was standing there watching this instead of finishing his …
Have Alive by Pearl Jam stuck in my head. If you know the song, you know the nature of this story. “You look..” It was her soft sob, her mumbled words that woke him. He could make just make out her silhouette in the dark room. Fingertips brushed from his nose to his lips, barely …
“Is there something I can help you find?” Shannon jumped at the smooth voice so close to her ear. She hadn’t realized how long she’d been standing there daydreaming. Not daydreaming, listening to him speak. She couldn’t turn to look at him, certain he’d see the arousal washing over her if she did. Keeping her …
Lazy heathen who barely felt like editing, just happy to have written something! “Heather, you up?” Wren tossed his towel into the hamper as he passed back into the bedroom. He was surprised to see his usually punctual wife still buried under the comforter. Pulling on a pair of shorts, he approached the bed. A …
In honor of Aaron Rodgers’ stint on Jeopardy and the kink he inspired. Maybe I’ll write more sometime. They have a ritual on the weekends. It starts the moment she steps inside his home and sheds her coat and heels. Her whole personality changes as she sheds her white blouse, peeling away the stress. Then …
Simple rules. They could fuck her however they wanted, but no cum in her cunt. Laid out on the table, she watched them approach. Single file, their breathing loud as they sank into her body, and louder still as they sprayed cum on her belly. “More,” she beckoned. One man picked her up and slid …
“Sit. I’ve got some things I need to work out.” She pushed him down into the chair and crawled into his lap, her hands going to his belt. He’d barely caught his breath and she had his dick out. “Lo-“ Her mouth was pressed against his. Teeth nipped his lower lip then her tongue was …
His fingers slip inside my cunt, spearing me and then spreading apart inside. He scissors those thick digits, thrusts them a little deeper, and makes my breath catch on a gasp. “More.” More. He makes me beg, his other hand pressing down on my stomach to hold me still as he curls inside me. Unintelligent …
He makes me watch in the mirror as he fucks me. His hand a tight first in my hair and his eyes staring into mine. I can hear everything, feel everything, see everything as he holds me still and fucks me with deep thrusts. “Can’t you see how drunk you look?” He shakes my head …
This girl. This girl is the one who wants that. Her moan floated to his ears as his hips slapped into her ass. Every attempt to wiggle away was stopped by the mattress and his weight pressing her down. He fisted her hair, holding her tight as he shoved his cock deeper. The way her …