I’ve been here for ten weeks. The calendar above my cage marks the days with little hearts. I spent the first week of my time here staring at that calendar, mouth taped shut so no one could hear me scream, waiting for the next time he’d come to use me. My motions are methodical, careful …
She liked the bruises. The way they bloomed bright on her pearly skin; bright red at the first thwack of the crop, then purplish-blue, until it was yellow-green as it faded slowly. It was a joy to watch them change. The bruises are what brought her back. Her endured pain painted on her breasts, thighs, …
I’ve decided to attempt the prompts for Smut Marathon when I see what they are during the voting round. A fun thing to do without the pressure. I did this before I went to read. 30-50 words of the moment two people first meet. In at 50 words – They bumped shoulders on the street, …
“Are you one of those girls?” What a strange question to ask. A weird segue after talking about favorite philosopher. “What kind of girl?” He’d messaged her on Bumble and they’d started to have a really good conversation. He seemed to be into a lot of the things she was. Traveling, trying new foods, cuddling …
He was still, preternaturally so. Perched on the edge of the bed, his back ramrod straight as the silent ticking of the clock filled the room. “Samuel.” No answer. The man did draw a breath, hitched and barely audible. “Samuel.” The look in his eyes, flat and black, could’ve stopped someone’s heart. “Samuel isn’t here …
This was my rejected attempt for one of the entries for Smut Marathon. I scraped it so it sat in drafts. Decided to finish it today. – He’d taken to standing outside just before dusk. The beginning gray strands of night bled across the sky, slowly dimming the day. Stars would wink in on the …
“Forgive me, Father…” He knelt on the hard ground, the rough stone digging into his knees. Staring up at the crucified Jesus. “I have sinned.” Crossing himself, he shifted so he created more room beneath his robe. He tried to tamp down the thoughts that bubbled up. The peek of breast he’d seen as a …
Draft from 2014(!!). As part of the short stories I was writing inspired by the show titles of the Hannibal TV series. – His fingers slid under her skirt to press against her pink panties. Their table was empty, everyone else spilled onto the dance floor. When he leaned in, his mouth close to her …
“What do you got on our angel?” He’d taken to calling her that out loud. To himself she was his angel. Eight days in and she was haunting his dreams as he expected. She’d become less a dead puppet on a string and more of an ethereal being, an avenging angel demanding blood. His partner …
Too much thinking about the news and the things women deal with… – “Hey, baby.” He jumped in front of her, but she jogged around him. She let her music drown out any lame pick up lines he may have lobbed her away. He was far behind her after a few steps. Ridiculous, she mused. …