He was still, preternaturally so. Perched on the edge of the bed, his back ramrod straight as the silent ticking of the clock filled the room. “Samuel.” No answer. The man did draw a breath, hitched and barely audible. “Samuel.” The look in his eyes, flat and black, could’ve stopped someone’s heart. “Samuel isn’t here …
This was my rejected attempt for one of the entries for Smut Marathon. I scraped it so it sat in drafts. Decided to finish it today. – He’d taken to standing outside just before dusk. The beginning gray strands of night bled across the sky, slowly dimming the day. Stars would wink in on the …
“Forgive me, Father…” He knelt on the hard ground, the rough stone digging into his knees. Staring up at the crucified Jesus. “I have sinned.” Crossing himself, he shifted so he created more room beneath his robe. He tried to tamp down the thoughts that bubbled up. The peek of breast he’d seen as a …
“What do you got on our angel?” He’d taken to calling her that out loud. To himself she was his angel. Eight days in and she was haunting his dreams as he expected. She’d become less a dead puppet on a string and more of an ethereal being, an avenging angel demanding blood. His partner …
Too much thinking about the news and the things women deal with… – “Hey, baby.” He jumped in front of her, but she jogged around him. She let her music drown out any lame pick up lines he may have lobbed her away. He was far behind her after a few steps. Ridiculous, she mused. …
No one should have to bury a child. The words haunt as he sat across from her mother. Can you watch a person age? He has, he did as he recounted what happened to this woman’s daughter. Torture was written in the creases that lined her face more and more as they talked. “Someone gunned …
As she reared up over him, her hair draping around them like strands of dry wheat, her breasts bounced and flopped like low-hanging fruit. His hands itched to feel those round apples. Squeezing them so the flesh would bulge through his fingers. She’d tied him down though, preventing him from doing little else except watching …
“You got my package?” He leaned into the counter and watched as Hock brought the butcher knife down on a hunk of meat. “In the cooler.” Laying a few bills on the counter, he moved around to the swinging doors. He stood in front of the steel door of the walk in cooler for a …
She’d climbed on the bed on all fours like he’d asked and waited. Naked, the ambient air raising goosebumps on her skin, she waited in perfect position. Patient. He was nearby she sensed, but he stayed out of her direct sight and she didn’t want to break position to look for him. Why leave her …
She woke with marks on her body again. Painful marks that ached. Groaning, she rose from the bed, her hand going first to her cunt and then her breast. She traced the scratches that ran down to her areola. The scratches on her inner thighs had barely healed and now there were new ones. The …