Presented with the opportunity… “You keep bending over in front of me. Are you asking for something?” “I’d make it more obvious if I wanted something.” Crossing to the bed, she bent over the bed and flipped up her skirt to bare herself. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled when she saw his eyes …
This was an honest look. Wilson jumped in
I’ve gotten out of the habit of taking and posting photos. It’s an issue that’s complex. I don’t feel like taking them, or editing them, or making them look nice for the blog, or posting them to any memes. I don’t feel sexy a large majority of the time either. It all compounds until I …
She watched as he unbuckled his slacks, pushing them to the ground. The moment his cock popped free, curving up toward his stomach, she moaned. He didn’t even look at her, turning away to retrieve lube from the nightstand. The dribble of the liquid over the head of his cock had her reaching between her …
Just something in my brain because I haven’t written in forever. Elements of non consent “It is inevitable.” His smile was bland at first, but as I struggled in my bounds it grew more salacious. I stopped my struggling, sweat stinging my eyes. They blurred for moment before I focused in on him again. His …
The moment I told him it was my first time, his eyes lit up. No, not just lit up, but filled with a deviant sexual desire that made my face hot. “I’ve had sex before.” I was quick to tell him that. His hand went to my face then, gentle as it stroked my cheek …
I hate being on top, but he loves to watch me struggle. His hands rest on my hips as I attempt to find a rhythm, reaching up to tweak my nipple as I growl in frustration. He loves my embarrassment, my lack of coordination. He savors my sweaty face as I try, hands on his …
This will cover my missing O and Z. And completes A-Z AND Camp NaNo for me. I’ll count it all as a victory “Christ.” Franco wiped his hand on his already filthy trousers. “I hate the whiny ones.” Standing, he took a step back to avoid the blood spreading along the white tile before he …