Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.


We all have preferences in what we find attractive. Not that we are locked into that choice, but it can dictate what we naturally gravitate to sexually. I have always claimed to be an equal opportunity dater. If you’re attractive, no matter your skin color, I will date you. That being said, I know I …

Hold Me

A nebulous thought She thought she wasn’t afraid to die. Each year of her life opened and closed with her belief that if her end came she’d accept it with grace. Everyone claims they have no fear until the moments it’s upon you and fear is the only thing you have. “I’m too young,” she …


I realized the rate of quality stories coming from me has dropped lately. There are probably a host of reasons including the fact that I’m acting out more of my fantasies so there isn’t as much to write about. Then again, I’m wondering if it stems from a lack of true inspiration on my part. …