Another drabble with the Storyin12 today – She never meant for him to find that letter. Twenty-two years of relatively happy marriage. He’d never been the love of her life, but she let him believe he was her everything. He’d insisted on cleaning the attic that summer evening. Seeing that notebook paper in his hand …
A 100 word drabble using today’s storyin12 prompt word. – He was head of the vice squad. Touting himself as hard on prostitution, he came down on girls and Johns alike. A pious hard ass, he punished all who stepped out of line. He said he was saving lives. His subordinates didn’t get to see …
Writing exercise. – I lost enough that I don’t feel too bad about killing people. The government turned me into a trained killer, and I made a career of being able to take a man down from just under two thousand meters. The military owned me and my trigger finger for fifteen years. When I …
Photo courtesy of Steeled Snake Welcome to Elust 108– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #109? Start with the rules, …
This KOTW is centered around shaving, and you know, I struggled for the words on this one. Total related aside, writing in general has been hard. I was curious why this was a hard one for me to write on, aside from my current writer’s block issues, and have narrowed it down to it just …
This is the story of the box. A truth or folk lore, it has roots in ancient Aztec history. Discovered by a small enclave of Coixtlahuaca on a hunting expedition, the natives were captivated by the discovery. The box was decorated with raised swirls and lines that glowed red when touched. They couldn’t open it …
He tapped her cheek until she lifted her head and then prized her mouth open to insert the ball gag. “So you’ll behave today?” She looked away, her lashes fanning over her mascara stained cheeks. He traced her stretched lips and smiled at the drool already forming. Circling her slowly, he took in her predicament. …
He could smell her cunt. A cross of her long legs and her dress would billow, wafting the most delicious smell. His cock was half hard and quickly growing as she uncrossed and crossed her legs again. It was teasing him. He’d stopped paying attention to the movie ten minutes ago. The slide of her …
Photo courtesy of Cammies on the Floor Welcome to Elust 107– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #108? Start with …
She woke to him weighing her down, his cock sliding through the mess between her thighs. Hot breath blew on her face and his fingers pinched at her nipples. The sloppy sounds of him moving against her filled the room like a depraved symphony. She was awake once more. Her mind was foggy, her body …