Tag Archives: writing


I’m on my knees and lean back as the sound of his hand moving grows more lewd. Fwap. Fwap. FwapFwapFwap He groans, leaning over me as his eyes squeeze shut. He’s so close. Purple head peeking from his tight grip, balls drawing up, and his breath hitching as he races to completion. Mine hitches too …


Out. Of. Practice. I’ve been avoiding writing and it’s not been great for me. 😣 Hands held her hips, hard fingers gripped her jaw. She had no time to think before a cock was splitting her cunt wide. Her moan was cut off by the cock sliding over her tongue. She rocked between them, wiggling …


His eyes flashed, a growl rumbling from his chest as he turned to her fully. She barely stifled a gasp as his canines lengthened and his nostrils flared. Back to the wall, tingles raced up her spine and her cunt softened as he leaned closer. She should be scared, especially with his eyes glowing yellow …