Day 17: 540 words. Spider and Chronicle – “Sanctimus Faniumi.” Warwick waved his hands over the book and watched the words glow. “Prisim Prisemi Protis Protsi.” The words rose, hovered inches from the page before bursting into a million pieces. He blew a big breath over the book and the glitter dissipated. Warwick’s face …
Extra post: 525 words – Washed up. Those words were burned into her mind’s eye, the only thing she could truly remember from the critic’s corner section of the newspaper. It served no purpose dwelling on it, but her hand sought out the article without thought. She pulled the paper close, griping the sherry glass …
Day 15: 842 words. Was inspired by someone I know. – She was walking in a fog, had been for the last four days. No amount of coaching and talking could change the way she felt since he’d left. That morning replayed over and over. “I love him, Claire.” His handsome face seemed more lined …
Day 7: word count 950. May be a topic that’s a bit weird, but hang in – “Come over here, kitten.” She looked up from where she’d been puzzling out a story for National Novel Writing Month to see him motioning for her. He patted his knee and she went to lie over his lap. …
Day 4 last day for horror prompt – 2012 words {Redacted} I’m taking this post off line. I’ve done some edits and am hoping to submit this story for publication to an anthology. Enjoy the pretty picture in the meantime.
Day 3: word count 875 – “The main course is a little simpler, but no less hearty than previous dishes. A delicious beef bone broth.” She watched him move around the room, raw excitement radiating off of him as he worked the crowd. He was in his element here. Chef, host, entertainer, he was a …
She blinked. The distorted image of her body cleared, but the next blink brought it back. Grotesque. Lopsided smile, crooked teeth, bent nose, uneven breasts, bloated stomach, blotchy skin, ugly cunt. Blink. She touched her face as the image cleared again. Smooth skin was under her fingertips and in the mirror. Blink. The skin seemed …
My silly muse. This started out as an idea with racial overtones, but evolved into something else. Maybe I’ll redux it with the original theme another time. Enjoy. – She was pissed. So mad any thought of fear was shut out by the need to rip this motherfucker’s head off. She tugged at her restraints, …
As an explanation, this thought popped into my head. I’ve been called sir on more than one occasion in my life and it made me think. I’d like to revisit this, but please accept my first attempt with kindness. — “You’re new here.” The matter of fact words, spoken in a sultry tone caught all …
She sat down, toggled to the still empty page, and thought about what she wanted. I want love with a healthy dose of kink. She erased that line. What the fuck was she actually looking for in a relationship? Not just someone to spank her ass, but someone to lead her. She wanted to be …