(A few somethings before I head out the door) An April Fool’s Inspiration Monday. I admit to being fooled so good on our host for getting me. Here’s a little poetry since I’m still short on creative prose. — The truth, delivered soft or hard A blow or a gentle caress To topple or to …
Andy is doing a Tuesday writing prompt so of course I jumped on board. I’m working on developing a thicker skin so I’m asking for critique on this. Keep it constructive! Prompt: Guilty Conscience Length: 200 words — “What’s all this about? It’s not my birthday?” The pleasure at his “surprise present” was disappearing as …
A long time ago I made an attempt at an erotic paranormal piece. I stopped writing it because I wasn’t sure it was worth continuing. Heidi mentioned writing something vampire related to me the other day. Of course, I enjoy a writing challenge and a prompt of any kind so I said I’d see what …
I keep another site that houses the multitude of stories living in my brain. It’s private so it takes the pressure off me to perform, and I find I am freer in my writing. I wrote this today. This piece isn’t construing anything so please don’t view it as anything other than pure fiction. I …
Decided I’d rather wait and see where Whisker Burn ended up before I posted anymore. May this will do in its stead. Mature content. — I was sick and only he could make me better. He came when I needed him, and relieved the tension inside of me. He was a glittering gem, leather and …
This is a quick. unedited response to a photo I saw on Littlekaninchen’s site. It neither underscores the point I was trying to make in the previous post, nor has any romantic inclinations. I guess I should say it doesn’t always have to make you think deeply to be worth writing. It’s mature content, my …
Still trying to negotiate a blogging schedule. Figured I put up a short story I wrote last week so you’ll feel my presence. The content is a wee bit mature so be advised. I’ll write something sweet and romantic next week. The sound of metal rattling drew his eyes back to the figure lounging on …