Chapter 3 Their eyes locked, and for the briefest moment everything fell away; the noise of the crowd, the lights, and the past all melted until it was just them. That lust that ran hot between them flared to life. The thud of her heart in her chest made her feel jittery. Her breath rasped …
Just a little extra I’m off to somewhere so I’ll come back and edit in a bit. – He pulled her across the room by her hair, yanking some of the dark strands out by the root. The pain was breath stealing, rippling along nerve ending still tingling from the rush of her climax. She …
Chapter 2 Driving up to the place made her realize that life had handed Hunter a far better hand since their split. He lived in a grand three-story manor on the opposite side of town in a neighborhood suited for CEOs of huge companies. The long driveway led up to a house that was three …
This story is kind of my baby. It’s my baby I’ve let languish away for a the last year or more because I wasn’t sure what else to do with it. When you love something, you let it rot in your finished stories pile? So, I guess I’ll post parts of it here. Maybe I’ll post …
The squeak of the front door pulled her up short. A hint of anxiety hit her. She tamps it down and goes back to straightening the parlor, planning dinner in her mind, praying whomever was home had no need of her. The children were at school, the missus at her all day social, Mr Fletcher out-of-town… …
From here Victoria was almost there. She could feel the approach of her climax in her belly with every thrust of Patrece’s fingers. “I watched you dance from the balcony.” He hooked his fingers inside and she groaned at the sensation. “I watched the way you moved across the floor, so regal. It was easy …
I’ll try to keep a promise to complete this Good breeding and years of practice helped Victoria keep the thoughts from showing on her face. As it was, she fluctuated between the desire to bare her teeth and the need to roll her eyes. The scraping and bowing of the sychophants attempting to catch her hand was …
Because I’ve been called a tease, I’ll move this story along. Just a little. Clara was still blushing a day later. Even as she scrubbed the daily wash, leaning over the pot in the kitchen, she couldn’t get yesterday out of her mind. The sudden heat she felt had nothing to do with the pot …
He approached her dressed in the black and gray attire of a butler. The gray vest melded perfectly to his chest and the black slacks were tailored to fit his long legs. Stopping in front of where she perched nervously on the edge of the high backed Queen Anne chair, he executed a perfect bow …
Unedited short. Merry Christmas to you. She’d worn the red and white striped panties like I’d asked her to. Seeing her kneeling by the tree, bare except her panties and a blindfold, hardened me to the point of bursting my zipper. This wouldn’t last long if I jizzed in my pants before even touching her. …