Poses and Pain 

I’ll have a stranger in my mouth today, but not for anything even remotely fun. So I leave you poses requested by @WantonRose on Twitter. Her request  @thereon_cara sitting, legs cross, leaning back on arms that are behind you, and your chest out No panties of course. So here’s my attempt as I’m on my …

The Great Outdoors

He’d talked her into camping. True camping with nature, tents, sleeping bags, and pissing in bushes. She stepped out of his pickup, clenching her book bag and wondering what she was thinking as she stared at the trees surrounding her.  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” His deep voice hummed with pleasure as he stretched to the …

Happy Monday 

Mondays aren’t fun. Thankfully I’m off work for a bit for a much needed rest so this is a Monday filled with errands, appointments, and trying on new lingerie  Let me just do a quick turn. I mean, I’ll have to find an occasion to wear this! My tush needs a spank, yes?  Happy Monday …


Feeling rusty. Unedited writing exercise.  She lived with her vivid dreams. Fantastic things that leapt from her consciousness. So vivid they were impossible to distinguish from reality. Many were harmless. Her as Rapunzel, her hair falling like an inky rope down the side of the castle as she waited for her prince to come. Or …