Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.

Revealing lenses

I love exposing myself. A funny thing to say, but true in a way. For all my conservative reservations, I’ve experienced very little guilt when it comes to my need to pose provocatively. Funny considering I was taught to value my body and save it for the one who’d love me forever. To not give …

Of the flesh

For the longest time I avoided pornography as a means to help me get off. Some of it was born out of years of conditioning when it came to all things sexual outside of the bonds of marriage. I shouldn’t touch myself and to add the sin of indulging in watching porn would just send me …

Razor edge

I always believed being uninhibited would lead me down paths I’d never return from. That exploring passion was a dangerous thing. That religious upbringing that takes an unhealthy turn at points. I get unbalanced so easily and I need black and white explanations to keep that balance. Life isn’t so clear cut, I quickly learned. Passion isn’t …

Learning my body 

I can’t say I remember the first time I made myself come, but I know it was an addictive feeling I couldn’t help seeking out.  My story about discovering my body wasn’t one of innocent exploration. Sex was introduced into my life at a young age and in an unwanted, intrusive manner. I touched myself …

You’d date me 

I’ve stopped making any real effort in the dating game lately. Few men I encounter are good long term material and I move around too much for most men.  I also lack patience to navigate the minefield.  This 23 year old on Fet has been trying to make a move. We’re on opposite coasts, but …

Nice and easy

She drapes herself over his lap, adjusting so her bottom points up the way he likes. A hand grips the back of her neck to press her lower until she’s tipped nearly all the way over. She pressed her cheek to the floor, her feet spreading to brace as she grasps his calf. The way …

Whisker Burn

I’ve been anxious about my writing, or rather my lack of writing, so I’m challenging myself to write something everyday this week. It’s not block so much as a combo of laziness and disinterest. That’s a scary couple right there. I’ve decided to try adding to this poor tale that’s been plagued by the diabolical …