Every so often a photo pops up on Twitter I want to attempt. I already posted the actual attempt there. This is just everything else. @thereon_cara
I’ll have a stranger in my mouth today, but not for anything even remotely fun. So I leave you poses requested by @WantonRose on Twitter. Her request @thereon_cara sitting, legs cross, leaning back on arms that are behind you, and your chest out No panties of course. So here’s my attempt as I’m on my …
Yes, I wrote this. Careful or the next story will have tentacles! – Her head felt like it was going to explode. She blinked a few times, trying to clear the fog that had settled around her. Her body was taking way too long to come back online, her limbs numb. Between her head and …
Not up creating sexy, but I’m being sexy. Close enough, right?
This feels like it would fit in my untitled series. He’d stripped her of her bottoms in spite of her fight to keep them. His hand had landed with a resounding smack that held her in place. As he’d bent her over the side of the bed, he’d left her there with a smirk and …
Panties that is. About as exciting as it gets around here honestly. Semi nudes in a stall
He’d talked her into camping. True camping with nature, tents, sleeping bags, and pissing in bushes. She stepped out of his pickup, clenching her book bag and wondering what she was thinking as she stared at the trees surrounding her. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” His deep voice hummed with pleasure as he stretched to the …
How often do you have women flashing you in the bathroom? FriYay!
This took on a life of its own. Runaway story alert — He’d called me that from the day I moved in at nine until today even though I was no longer little or home with any regularity. The older man had aged so gracefully in the twenty years he’d lived next door to …
Mondays aren’t fun. Thankfully I’m off work for a bit for a much needed rest so this is a Monday filled with errands, appointments, and trying on new lingerie Let me just do a quick turn. I mean, I’ll have to find an occasion to wear this! My tush needs a spank, yes? Happy Monday …