Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.

Look At Me

I’m remarkably thoughtful for so early in the morning. The blame rests solely on the fact that I’m starting work so my mind is working separate from my body. After the unfortunately brief interlude with the previous Mr, I’d decided that I needed a break from the treacherous pool that is dating. No dating, no …

What We Had

Just as it was picking up steam, it petered out. Yes, you’d be assuming right if your assumption was he decided to break things off with me. Because just like my previous post states, I’m not ready to settle down and do something serious right now. I guess he’s ready for all those things, plus …


See me I am bent Double, triple in time A counterpoint for the thrust Open to the swift shifts in space That make me quiver, shake, moan I’m a moment in eternity as you undo me Do to me as you hold me at the cleft Conquering the great slick divide I am trembling, quaking …

What I Mean Is

I’m scared. Of commitment Me, who longs for love Will run, will run The moment I think It’s found me — “You’re distant today. What happened between dinner at your apartment last night and this morning?” He’s too damn observant, noticing what I didn’t realize was even present. I battle inadequacy, a worry I’m not …