I’ve gotten a bit off track with the writing challenge. I’ve gotten a bit off track with my writing in general. This is week 8, I believe, in Panty Parade’s 12 Week challenge. I was to research 3 people who can help me reach my goals and ask them burning questions. That didn’t happen, but …
Something new? Maybe I watch as she slips off her sensible flats, changing into four-inch black heels that add height to her slender frame. Even seated I know she’s tall and I can’t help wondering if she’s going out after work, meeting her boyfriend or lover. The man she meets behind her husband’s back, perhaps? …
“You ready?” Am I? I’m here because I want to be, on this table with my pants undone, here waiting for him to make me beautiful through pain. “Yes, please.” I’m proud there’s no tremor in my voice. My insides do the trembling until the first bite of the needle. The clench of my teeth …
Because, why not? — “Give me that ass.” He slapped her flank hard, a bolt of pain flashing across her senses as she lifted her hips for him. It dissipated into a tingle as it spread out beautifully. “Higher,” he growled, the press of his palm between her shoulder blades pushed her chest down into …
Order up on Andy’s weekly prompt. Prompt: Dirty Laundry Word count: 196 — The way his eyes followed her as she moved around the kitchen warmed her. Spices scented the air, adding something exotic to the heated atmosphere. She was trying hard to finish dinner, dodging his hands. His look said if he snagged her …
She lived for the thrust of his body, driving her impossibly on, impossibly higher. Her high was in the sweat that dripped from his face to coat her lips, the groans that vibrated along her being. Flesh pressed so close, the smell of sex permeating the air as he filled her so full she disconnected …
This is a reading from Whisker Burn. It’s about 5 minutes long and my practice at reading my stories aloud. I’m not asking for critique. I know I talk too fast (my students told me that all the time) and certain words tripped me up (subset/subsisted), but I wanted to post what I had. You …
I missed the song of the week this week because I just couldn’t get the story to work itself out. Not wanting to forget Andy, I’ve made him my humpday offering. Something Perfectly Imperfect. Prompt: White Noise Word Count: 200 — He slid his hands around her thighs, pulling her down so their bodies met with a …
Words from The Sunday Whirl. I’m a messy combination of half-naked woman and sex hormones. It’s too hot to ache for a body against mine yet that’s exactly what I want. — So… Overheated Needing spread limbs to twine Wind tightly together Please Craving a strong hand Around my sweat slicked throat Fisting through my …
So… This is my late update for the 12 Week Challenge. And I have done… Er… So… Nothing. Nope, not a thing. Someone needs to smack my… Hand. I do know this week’s task was to offer a suggestion for ways to help jump-start your writing and utilizing one of the suggestions mentioned by someone …