A continuation? – “My resolution is to make it through thirty minutes at the gym without dying.” He looked up from the screen. A rivulet of sweat tracked down her cheek, large spots of it darkened her shirt, and she was pushing wet hair off her forehead. “Well it seems like you survived it.” She …
“You’ve got a run.” Mascara wand paused mid swipe, she glanced at him in the mirror. His eyes were on her ass encased in her control top hose. “Fuck, I don’t have another pair to hold my tummy in.” His eyebrows rose to his hairline. “No one is going to notice your stomach in that …
The moment he slid his dick in, she turned into the perfect little fuck doll. Her eyes grew glazed and her lips rounding into an O with each thrust. “Oh,” she moaned softly and then louder the harder he fucked her. When she came, her cunt clamping down and spilling her pleasure all over the …
We’ve made it to the end of 2018. Thank goodness, amiright? It’s been tough at points, but it’s also been joyous. I’ve decided to break this down into People, Places, and Things to help me manage. The year was long and so is this post so strap in! Let’s start with the first one. People …
“If you close your eyes, you don’t get to come.” Nothing was harder. It wasn’t his thick fingers spearing my cunt, finding my g-spot with brutal accuracy. It wasn’t the little vibe on my clit, a focused buzzing that wanted to send me flying. It was his eyes fastened on mine. They demanded I show …
Unedited Christmas post. I do hope everyone’s Christmas is lovely. – Christmas music filled the house, rivaling the laughter from their family. Tracey fluttered around the kitchen. Her mother was barking orders even though it wasn’t her house. All part of the Christmas shuffle, more background noise that Tracey tried to let float over her. …
Photo courtesy of Quinn Rhodes Welcome to Elust 113– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #114? Start with the rules, …
Start and part 2 Hari felt those words deep in her core. He asked for her all and she wanted to give it. The world faded into the background and she wanted to give into that all encompassing feeling. It would be so tempting to just remain here, forget everything in her service to him, …
Previous: River’s Deep “Just let me sleep.” Hari batted at the hand that touched her face, her words slurred. “You must serve me first.” That grating voice drew her from sleep with a jolt. She snapped her eyes open and her vision clashed with a flat black gaze. Glancing around, she realized she was in …
Was getting out of the car a good decision? No, probably not her best one, but she needed answers. Sitting in her car isn’t going to fix help either. She grabbed her mace… just in case. The interior was every bit the local greasy spoon of old. Countertops made of blue Formica, wrapped with the …