Because, why not? — “Give me that ass.” He slapped her flank hard, a bolt of pain flashing across her senses as she lifted her hips for him. It dissipated into a tingle as it spread out beautifully. “Higher,” he growled, the press of his palm between her shoulder blades pushed her chest down into …
Order up on Andy’s weekly prompt. Prompt: Dirty Laundry Word count: 196 — The way his eyes followed her as she moved around the kitchen warmed her. Spices scented the air, adding something exotic to the heated atmosphere. She was trying hard to finish dinner, dodging his hands. His look said if he snagged her …
She lived for the thrust of his body, driving her impossibly on, impossibly higher. Her high was in the sweat that dripped from his face to coat her lips, the groans that vibrated along her being. Flesh pressed so close, the smell of sex permeating the air as he filled her so full she disconnected …
I missed the song of the week this week because I just couldn’t get the story to work itself out. Not wanting to forget Andy, I’ve made him my humpday offering. Something Perfectly Imperfect. Prompt: White Noise Word Count: 200 — He slid his hands around her thighs, pulling her down so their bodies met with a …
Two songs this week. 1) Litost by Ambassador I watch the scratches as they appear on your face as if from a distance. How can rage, pain, and love live so comfortably inside me, all directed at you? With your sensual looks, I wanted you from the first moment I saw you. It was the …
Finally a day off! Part 1 Part 2 — Standing in his room – no, definitely suite – ten minutes later, I absently wondered how I got there. How had he managed to sweet talk me into following him back when I told myself I wouldn’t? The anxiety and desire that bubbled through my veins …
Haven’t done any poetry in a while. Prompt from Five Sentence Fiction and words from The Sunday Whirl. Prompt: Accident — The deep cut should’ve been my clue as the visions danced like bright fairies before my eyes I quickly became a nebulous thing, red blood dripping, my spirit hovering above my prone body Opaque …
Riding on the train is a favorite moment of mine. It’s funny that I would like it, considering the crush of rush hours. It’s strangers pressed impossibly close to one another, breathing each other’s air, and pretending ignorance at the feeling of body parts touching so intimately. But what I love about it is the …
This is the spot where the Twelve Week Challenge goes… Except I didn’t do this week. Bad, Cara. Here’s what I have managed To this point: Goal 1 was summarizing chapters in the story I’m currently editing. I’ve started that process and think I’ve worked out what I want to change in the beginning. RG …
Andy has the weekly prompt up! Perhaps the counterpart of the previous post? Prompt: Eat Away Word Count: 183 — His hands splayed her thighs wide as he pressed his lips to the open petals of her cunt; a gentle open-mouthed kiss of lips to wet lips. But this would be no delicate tasting of her body, …