Missy (2) and Cynthia have a start, but I’m admittedly curious about Patrick. Shit. Patrick bounced Kyle on his knee, silently cursing the slip of his tongue. What had possessed him to admit to the affair? A moment of weakness brought on by fatigue, surely. Work had been crazy and Cynthia had coaxed him into opening …
Not sure where it’s going but continuing on One. And Cynthia if you’re interested Missy tipped the bottle back, draining the clear liquid and grimacing at the burn. That stuff packs a serious punch for such a small dose of alcohol. Her leg bounced uncontrollably as her mind turned over the possibilities of being back there. It …
“Dinner is served.” The clink of silverware against porcelain should have grated her nerves. A porcine man to her left chewed with a vigor that rivaled that of the animal he resembled; nauseating in its sound and visual component. The woman directly across from her continued to drone on about her latest shopping venture in …
A dignified affair No tie, no suit Seated comfortably A sophisticated feast An arm slid around her waist just as she lifted the pan to turn the omelet. She let out an undignified squeal nearly dropping her food. He wrapped a steadying hand around hers. “Morning.” She turned her attention back to the dish. “Mmm, …
“Wider.” His hands pressed until her thighs shook with the strain. “Comfortable?” Her eyes jerked to his, knowing fire shot from their depths but unable to hide her irritation. He took acute satisfaction in her vexation as well as her pleasure, but this she refused to indulge him on. “Quite,” she bit out, arching her …
Sounds floated through the cracked door. The low murmur of voices, the scrape of chairs along the floor, silverware clattering against plates, and wine being poured seemed a distant buzz under the frantic beat of her heart. His moist breath fanned over the space where neck and shoulder met. Her naked skin pulled taut, goosebumps …
“Bitch.” The word launched from him like a bullet from a gun. If it could slice through the air and pick her off, he’d feel an ounce of relief from his pain. He sucked in a breath barely staunching the flow of words threatening to spill forth. His mind seethed with rage as he watched …
My birth was a disaster in so many ways. The doctor, in a rush to free me from the restricting force of my mother’s uterus, damaged nerves pulling me out. My limbs are useless on my left side, but I’ve learned to get around and have adapted ways to care for myself. It’s not the …
The heavy metallic scent hit him before he opened the door. He paused, hand squeezing the knob, debating whether he should return to the safety of his car. Tamping down the nauseating combination of nerves and twisted excitement, he entered the house. It hit him like a wall. The thick, tinny smell became an iron …
What does it mean for you to obey me? His question bounced around in her mind as she struggled to quell the tremble of her limbs. She’d assumed her practiced pose the moment she’d walked into the room, trying to ignore both her discomfort and irritation at waiting there for him. The ache in her …