Tag Archives: poem

Woven Deep

She was beautiful to him without even trying. Her imperfect parts they called to him With vulnerable eyes and sweet scent She was his in the most basic ways And he craved her, felt her in his blood Her essence woven intricately with his own Until he felt bound to her Until each breath became …

New Here

The city swallows me whole A comforting closeness A creeping isolation Strangers brushing by Arms, coats, bags touching Lives lived separately Space shared in proximity Get lost to be found here Immersed in, surrounded by Buildings and people A part of, apart from A city with a heartbeat I can feel in my chest


They call me easy. Lower case ‘e’ and filled with all the implications that word implies. A derogatory term meant to shame me for the way my legs divide. I make fools of their shame because I own it. I own my easy ways. Easy in the way I lift my hips. The judgment pouring …

Images In Grey

Finishing up a night shift. So very sleepy I am. Prompt from Five Sentence Fiction, photo as well. Words from The Sunday Whirl. Prompt: Shadows Two ships at ports opposite, transparent with their billowing sails, at the end of their journeys harrowing, and set to pass by one more time They glide toward each other …