Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.


“I can get you over here.”  He stepped around the lady in front of him to the second register and stopped short. This guy was cute. The thought startled William enough that it took a moment for him to remember his order.  “How ya doing today?” Pretty blue eyes smiled at him.  They were the …

Due day 

She woke with a jolt. A quick glance at the glowing numbers and she let out a string of curse words before scrambling out of bed. Her uniform smelled of old grease, but she didn’t have time to wash last night after shift. It was that or sleep and she hadn’t been getting much of …


Late into the night before sleep lays claim I’m wrapped in the ghost of your touch on my skin spreading longing and desire that consumes me before igniting fiery lust satisfied only by secret touch my lips part, pant, gasp I rise and fall on a wave and relax into dreams of waking in your …


Redo shortie You don’t know you want me yet, but I’ll convince you.  I slip into your bed, subduing even the most vigorous of protests with quick lips and quicker hands.  “Do you remember me, pretty girl?” You don’t. You don’t remember me lurking and watching. Seeing every move you make, but you will.  I link …