Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.


Restless, aroused, and unbelievably needy. My mind conjures a moment from the past. It floats through my mind as my hand slips between my thighs… “Go to the bathroom and take off your panties.” Neither of us looked away from the girl moving across the stage. Her breasts bounced as she swayed, her hips moved …


If you’re following along, you’ll remember I’d decided to post an ad on Craigslist. It was done mostly as a dare with the end result being the mother lode of blog fodder. So not serious, low expectations, ready for a good laugh. Case in point is the gentleman who took offense to my height “requirements”. …


Short on stories today. So I give you a dating ad instead. SBF seeking: A man brave enough to breach uncharted parts Willing to conquer my obstinate heart To explore with me Engaging mind, body Willing to accept my quirks Loves looking as much as I love to show And really sees me Must love …