Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.


I’m not saying I’m abandoning NaNo yet, but my inspiration is still absent. I managed about 4,000 words on Saturday, but haven’t felt the same drive to write since then.  Really I think I’m expecting too much of myself (in a lot of areas of my life). I decided to share the first page from the story …

Is this thing on?

November means NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month is underway. I’ve been low on creativity. It’s almost like being impotent this wanting to “get it up” but not being able to find the desire to write. So, my usual excitement surrounding NaNo is absent and it’s unsettling. My story feels forced and boring. I’m behind …


He lets me tie him down and tease his body. It’s heady having that kind of power over someone, using lips and tongue and teeth to arouse. The fact that he’s unbelievably ticklish appeals because just my breath on his skin makes him squirm in the most delicious way. What starts as a simple massage …


October was an emotional roller coaster so forgive me for saying I’m glad it’s on its way out. I’m praying November finds me in a better place. I need to learn to stop letting worry eat away at me and start really seeing myself differently. I pray too for a bit of good news next Monday… …